Close up of tan, green and white feathers
Lens-Artists,  Photographic techniques,  Themed galleries

Gallery: favourite detail photos of 2021

Increasingly as a photographer I find myself drawn to the little things. Even the most ordinary of sights, the places we pass every day, can seem more interesting if we focus on the details. And when travelling somewhere new, picking out those details can add colour and texture to a record of our travels.

For Tina’s Lens Artists challenge this week I am posting a series of galleries, each on a different theme and with a selection of my favourite images taken in the past year. Some have featured in previous posts, many have not.

My chosen themes reflect some of my favourite subjects for photography:


I found details this year both close to home and on my travels in the UK (Shropshire, Liverpool, Yorkshire, Wiltshire) and Europe (Paris and Seville). They include both natural and man-made subjects.

My featured photo is of an Egyptian Goose in Bushey Park, west London, and was taken in March. The remaining images, below, are all in chronological order.

Close up of white feathers

Swan feathers, Boston Manor Park, west London

Tangled tree root against rock

Tree root in Cardingmill Valley, Shropshire, June 2021

Tiny teddy bear in a window

Spotted in a window in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, June 2021

Close up of a pelican's face

Pelican in St James’ Park, London, July 2021

Door handle in the shape of a tree with a small bird
Pink door with number 13

Doors in Liverpool and in Masham, Yorkshire, August 2021

Small framed plaque depicting man holding a flower in front of a tank

Street art in Montmartre, Paris, September 2021

Carving of an angel

In the Sacré Coeur, Paris, September 2021

Small primitive carving of a man blowing a pipe

Carving of a bagpipe player on a 15th century tomb in Hexham Abbey, Northumberland, September 2021

Small pieces of paper with Oriental writing hanging from red strings

Art installation, Kew Gardens, west London, October 2021

Yellow lichen on a grey log

Lichen on a log, Kew Gardens, west London, October 2021

Sunlight through stained glass windows

In St Peter’s church, Winterbourne Stoke, Wiltshire, November 2021

Purple flower on a stone carved wall

Fallen bougainvillea flower, gardens of the Real Alcazar, Seville, November 2021

I’ll be rounding off with a final set of favourites, a miscellaneous selection, probably tomorrow!


Do share your thoughts, I'd love to hear from you! And please include your name in case WP marks you 'anonymous' - thank you