Bare tree and water with stone pier and small lighthouse
London,  Newcastle-upon-Tyne,  The Changing Seasons,  Themed galleries

Gallery: a January selection (2023)

January brings the snow, makes our feet and fingers glow

Sara Coleridge

Thankfully this January didnโ€™t bring snow to London, but it was certainly more than cold enough to make any feet and fingers glow! Personally I canโ€™t wait for the warmer days of spring, although weโ€™re not hanging around here for that but are headed elsewhere in a hunt for heat!

Meanwhile, hereโ€™s a selection of favourite shots taken over the past month. These images sum up my January 2023. We started the year in Newcastle, where we spent a week over the New Year weekend. Until Covid weโ€™d done this every year; it was good to be back. We caught up with family and friends and also made time for walks on the beach at Druridge Bay, in Tynemouth (where my feature photo was taken) and along the Tyne.

Back home we enjoyed some cinema visits, a pub lunch to celebrate my brother-in-lawโ€™s 70th birthday, and a great exhibition in our local gallery. I had a lovely belated Christmas get-together with my two oldest friends (Decemberโ€™s snow had scuppered our original plans). And I also had the great pleasure of meeting fellow blogger Alison for a walk and lunch in the City of London; my first blogger meet-up but hopefully not my last!

A few of these photos have appeared in other posts during January but are such favourites that I couldnโ€™t help but repeat them here.

Technical notes

All these shots were taken with my phone or with my compact point and shoot Lumix. Unusually for this time of year I have only two black and white edits, created with Silver Efex Pro. The rest were edited in Photoshop Elements and some of them also quite significantly with Color Efex Pro.

As always I am linking my selection to Ju-Lynโ€™s and Brianโ€™s Changing Seasons challenge. 

  • Beach with dark clouds, walkers and dogs
  • Man and dog by the water's edge on a wintery beach
  • Silhouette of ruined building against blue sky with plane trail
  • Bird with outstretched wings in a blue sky
  • Stone pier with lighthouse and small boat
  • Close-up of small red berries and green leaves
  • Small robot figure on a bench with a toy bear
  • Small robot figure on a cinema seat with popcorn
  • White tulip with missing petals against a black background
  • Single white petal against a black background
  • Large gallery space with geometric exhibit and lone figure sitting on the floor
  • Black and white photo of tree branches covered in frost
  • Crisscross metal roof struts illuminated in purple
  • Small mauve flower
  • Close-up of deep yellow flowers

As I mentioned above, I am off soon in search of warmer weather, among many other things. I apologise in advance if I’m slower than usual to acknowledge any comments. As always they will be very much appreciated and replied to as soon as I am able to!


Do share your thoughts, I'd love to hear from you! And please include your name in case WP marks you 'anonymous' - thank you