Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That’s the problem.
A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
Given that few of us are blessed with the language skills of Doctor Dolittle, probably the best way to ‘listen’ to animals is to observe them. And for many of us that often means a visit to a (hopefully) ethically-run wildlife sanctuary. There we can really take our time to watch animal behaviour, and listen to the experts who’ve made it their job to get to know and understand the needs of these creatures.
That was our experience on our recent visit to the British Wildlife Centre. There the animals are well-housed in large enclosures. And, helped by the fact that they are all native, those enclosures mimic almost exactly the environments in which they live in the wild. The keepers we met clearly had a great rapport with their charges and understood their needs; knew how to ‘listen’ to them in fact. All in our small group will have learned a lot from them about the animals’ natural behaviours and the threats many of them face.
Animals on the move
I rarely shoot video as on the whole I prefer still photography. Perhaps because I only dabble a little with video editing, I find it less creative and less fun. But some things just call out for movement, and animals are among them. So on that visit I did take a little time out from shooting hundreds of stills to grab just a few videos of some of the cutest animals. And as everyone enjoyed that previous post so much I thought I would share them in this follow-up, which again I’m linking to Denzil’s Nature Photo challenge.
Note: I have cheated with the audio on these videos as I didn’t think you’d want to listen to a load of cameras clicking and occasional planes from Gatwick flying overhead! So what you hear will be stock library ‘forest’ sounds that I used to replace the originals.
Red squirrels
I visited the British Wildlife Centre in September 2023
Love that quote Sarah, and I love Winnie the Pooh 🙂 That’s a clever trick – to mute the original video and replace with a nature sound. I’m learning from you.:)
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you 😊 I learned that trick from a friend!
I can imagine you filled your camera’s memory card on this day Sarah!
Sarah Wilkie
Close – and I definitely needed my spare battery!
Cuteness overload is right! My daughter was super excited to see the otter friend again and also informed me of everything she knew about foxes and badgers too. 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you 😀 I’m so glad your daughter is enjoying seeing these animals!
How lovely, British wildlife is just fabulous.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Helen 🙂 I think we tend to forget how lucky we are to have these beautiful animals here!
I could watch cute animals all day, thanks for sharing!!
Sarah Wilkie
Glad you enjoyed them!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you again Sue – you’ve been busy this morning!
Thought it was time I caught up!
What a lovely presentation Sarah…. a departure definitely from your usual format but so appropriate..
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Marie 🙂 I like to make videos from time to time but don’t always think to share them here!
Well, I may not have Dr Dolittle’s ability but I know for sure that every single one of the five cats I’ve had in my time understood every word I said. Whether they obeyed or not depended entirely on whether it suited them to do so….
Sarah Wilkie
Haha yes, that’s cats for you!
Anne Sandler
Yes Cute! You’ve taught me to stop and observe the small things!
Sarah Wilkie
Glad you enjoyed them Anne 🙂
Beautifully observed! I like the Mediterranean/tropical soundscape of the first two. Nice contrast!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Margaret 🙂 An interesting comment about the soundtrack as it’s supposed to be a northern forest, not tropical in the slightest!
Really? It sounded just like a hot afternoon in Italy to me!
Sarah Wilkie
Just played it again and I see what you mean 😆