Traditional house with balcony around corner
Architecture,  Lens-Artists,  Street photography,  Themed galleries

Gallery: balconies around the world

For this week’s Lens Artists challenge, hosted by PR of Flights of the Soul, we’re taking a look at balconies. I seem to have taken lots of photos of them, but I’ve tried to be selective. As  sorted through my archives I realised I could divide my balcony shots into three broad categories, so that’s what I’ve done for this post.

Balconies with style

The balconies in this gallery are here simply because I like the look of them. They may have interesting decorative features. They may be colourfully painted. Or they may be being put to good use to display flowers or to dry washing perhaps. The rather lovely building in my feature photo is in Cartagena, Colombia.

Hover over the photos in any of the galleries in this post to see a caption with the location of the balcony, or click any image to open a slideshow.

Balconies with people

For people lucky enough to have a balcony in a busy city, it offers an opportunity for social interaction. They can chat with neighbours on nearby balconies or passing in the street below and feel connected to their community. It also provides keen street photographers with a chance to capture the lives of local people from a different angle.

Balconies with a smile

Sometimes I spot a balcony with a rather more unusual occupant, one I just have to photograph!

Balconies with a view

But of course the best thing about a balcony is often the view you get from it! So I’m finishing with just a handful of shots with views from balconies where we’ve been fortunate enough to stay, or in one case eat. And it’s no coincidence that there are several sunsets here, as a great view usually becomes a fabulous view at that time of day!


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