Temple and palm trees in silhouette
Monochrome Madness,  Photographic techniques,  Themed galleries

Gallery: shadows and silhouettes in black and white

Elvis Costello, Human Hands

Elvis Costello’s song has little to do with photography of course, and not a lot to do with actual shadows or silhouettes! But I was excited to find a quote about both, and as a bit of a fan of Costello’s music I had to include it.

When I saw Dawn’s prompt for this week’s Monochrome Madness I knew I would find plenty of silhouettes to choose from in my archives. But shadows seemed to be in short supply and at first I thought I would stick to the silhouettes. Then as I started to find a couple of shadow images they triggered memories of others and eventually I had enough to share them too. They include a handful of slightly quirky self-portraits which I think I prefer to more conventional selfies!

My feature photo is of the unmistakeable silhouette of Angkor Wat, taken just before sunrise. All my shots were edited with Nik Silver Efex Pro, and the contrast boosted in some cases to enhance the effect. Some you may have seen before but I think not in black and white.

Shadows of two people on sand

Looking down from the bridge to Praia do Faro, Portugal

Shadow of two people and a bridge on water

Millennium Bridge reflections and shadows on the River Tyne

Elongated shadow of a woman on crutches

Arcade with deep shadows

Curved balustrade against a wall with a shadow

Spiky plant and shadow on a wall

Shadow of a leaf

Shadows of leaves

Looking down at flat land dappled with shadows

Man carrying a surfboard in shallow sea

Figure of a man in silhouette on a grid of squares

Group of people under an arch with the Taj Mahal beyond

Person silhouetted against a photo of David Bowie

Silhouette of a man punting a small boat

Elephant drinking from a river with a man on his shoulders

Tall tower and sculpture against bright sunlight

Arches and cables of a bridge

Church tower with spire and clock


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