My task, which I am trying to achieve is, by the power of the written word, to make you hear, to make you feel … it is, before all, to make you see.
Joseph Conrad
Perhaps as photographers the ‘make you see’ task seems more straightforward than for writers. But I think we all want our images to make people feel too.
It’s Pick a Word time again. Another month and another set of five words from Paula to illustrate. Always challenging, always fun! And as always I’ve trawled my archives to find some words that I hope fit her choices.
I never stick only to Paula’s five words however, as I like to tell you a little bit about each photo. But I do try to be more succinct for this challenge than for most of my posts!
This month my photos will take you to Paris, Costa Rica, Northumberland, Chicago – and my own back garden! I’ve tried to include some at least that you won’t have seen in previous posts, or at least, not for a while.

The Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
Not one of my favourite buildings in the city but it is fun to photograph. And there are certainly plenty of angles to be spotted here!

Monarch butterfly at Selvatura, Costa Rica
Butterflies are the very symbol of transience, with their brief adult lives. A Monarch typically lives just two to five weeks as an adult, but those that over-winter in Mexico can live for several months.

A path near Kielder Water, Northumberland
This is part of one of the recommended trails there, known as the Lewis Burn Inlet walk. For more photos see my Monday Walk post from a few years ago.

Nigella seed-pod in our garden
Sometimes interesting photos can be found very close to home!

The Chicago skyline from Lake Michigan
A cruise on the lake gave us excellent views of the city’s many skyscrapers. If you like to photograph architecture, Chicago is a wonderful city to visit!
I wouldn’t have understood the word “transience” if it weren’t for your photo and explanation. My favourite word here is “trail” … and it’s a lovely photo!
Sarah Wilkie
Oh yes, trail is the right word for you, naturally 😃
Annie Berger
Lovely choices of subjects and photos, Sarah. Great seeing the shot very close to home and also the butterfly. I didn’t know it lived such a short amount of time. Annie
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Annie I guess most insects have pretty short lifespans 😃
Excellent. Beaubourg is indeed better in photo than in reality. I find it has not aged well.
Sarah Wilkie
I agree, I liked it much more some years ago, and the area around it isn’t great either.
That too. Very dirty and not too nice a “Fréquentation”. People hanging around there? I wouldn’t go at night. (Almost got mugged once in le Marais in broad daylight. 3PM…)
All I can think is how I wish I were walking along that lovely trail in Northumberland 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Oh you would love that trail Meg! Come to Northumberland one day and we’ll meet up and introduce you to some of its prettiest spots 😀
It’s a deal! 😀
I agree that the shadow is like something from a horror movie. 😉. But I really enjoyed your other choices and the sunflower shot that was in the header was so bright and cheerful.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Janet. But I’m puzzled that you’re seeing a sunflower as the header as I used an B&W / selective colour version of the Centre Pompidou shot. Maybe you’re confusing this with my Changing Seasons post which DOES have a sunflower as a header image 🌻
Love the shadow – especially the contrast between the light green color and the black of the shadow
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Rosalie, glad you like that contrast 🙂
Leanne Cole
I haven’t really taken that much notice of this before, it is fantastic Sarah, your photos are great.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Leanne 😊 Do you mean you haven’t really noticed this challenge? It’s a fun one to do, one of my favourites!
Great choices Sarah. I like the photo of the Centre Pompidou.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Brian 🙂 I’m enjoying how everyone has different favourites!
Anabel @ The Glasgow Gallivanter
Your butterfly is beautiful – so clear.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Anabel 🙂 This was in a butterfly house in Costa Rica where there were so many it wasn’t too difficult to find one still enough to photograph!
Love this selections, Sarah! The transformation, shadow…. all are beautifully captured.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Amy, much appreciated 😊
Monkey's Tale
The Shadow could be used in a 1950s horror movie! But the monarch is my favourite. Maggie
Sarah Wilkie
Ooh, I never thought of that Maggie! I guess it is a rather bizarre shape 😀
Anne Sandler
Nice response to the challenge Sarah. Love the Chicago skyline.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Anne 🙂 This is a fun one to do!
Not even sure what a nigella is, but it makes an interesting photo, Sarah. If I were a Monarch I’d definitely head for Mexico.
Sarah Wilkie
You might know nigella by its popular name, Love-in-the-mist? And I’m with you on the Mexico thing 😆
Oh, yes! I do indeed x
satyam rastogi
Beautiful pictures 🎸🎸
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you 🙂
How ever did you make your selection for “shadow” – we all know how many fabulous shadow photos you’ve compiled over the years. 😀.
Sarah Wilkie
Well, I did a shadows post not long ago so my main priority was not to use any that I’d included then!
Good choices Sarah, great shot of the Nigella seed. I also enjoy this challenge. So many challenges, hard to decide which one
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Alison 🙂 I know what you mean about the number of challenges, I often have to skip one I’d have liked to have done!
Excellent as ever. Like Sue, my first favourite is the nigella seed pod shadow.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Margaret 😀
Nigela seed pod shadow very good, and the Centre Pompidou is a great source of angles (and looks rather ‘cleaner’ than when I saw it in the 1980’s
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Sue 🙂 The Pompidou shot is from a few years ago and while the building may look clean, the area around it has become rather scruffy and unappealing I felt.