Blurred image of moving dodgem cars
Lens-Artists,  Street photography,  Themed galleries,  Travel in general

Gallery: finding fun around the world

George Bernard Shaw

And it’s remarkable how similar our ideas of fun are, wherever we are. Adults enjoy music and dance, play board games, play or watch sports, or simply spend time relaxing with friends. Children like to play too of course, with toys, with each other or alone. They also enjoy engaging with pets and other animals.

For this week’s Lens Artists challenge Egidio asks what we do for fun. I think my monthly Changing Seasons posts give you all a good idea of my answer: travel, photography, cinema, art exhibitions, eating out …

But for my own post this week I have, as so often, gone off on a bit of a tangent. Since my own fun is found often in travelling and travel photography, I thought I would share images of other people having fun captured mainly on those travels. A couple however were taken much closer to home, including my feature photo of dodgems at the recent Ealing Blues Festival.

A few of these shots you will have seen before, but I couldn’t resist including them as they fitted the theme so well!Β Β 

Men seated on low stools playing board games

Playing Chinese chess (cờ tΖ°α»›ng) on the streets of Hanoi, Vietnam

Men seated at tables playing chess

In better times, games of chess in a subway of the Kharkhiv metro, Ukraine

[apologies for the poor quality of this image, it was quite dark down there]

Men standing and sitting around a table in a city square

Two men playing chess on a low wall by a lake

Family group at a picnic under a tree

Pedal boat shaped like a duck with family on board

Women in swimsuits on a plastic slide shaped like a giant frog

Group of people dancing, the women in colourful dresses

Women in traditional dresses dancing, watched by a crowd

People standing in front of a stage with a band playing

Men in football shirts cheering above a row of flags

Group of young people on stone steps

Girl peeking from behind a door
Girl peeking from behind a door

Small girl throwing seeds towards flying pigeons
Small girl surrounded by pigeons

Two children with small goats

Boy seated on the floor in a doorway with a tortoise

Children playing by a simple building

Small boy in a miniature car

Young boys on skateboards in an area covered with graffiti

Boy jumping among soap bubbles

Photos taken between 2006 and 2024


Do share your thoughts, I'd love to hear from you! And please include your name in case WP marks you 'anonymous' - thank you