Greetings from California
This morning I was transfixed by the sight and sound of the waves crashing against rocks off Laguna Point, just north of Fort Bragg in northern California. Trying to capture the sight I stood waiting for a bigger wave to create more spray, I remembered being told as a child that the seventh wave is always bigger than the others. I know now that this isn’t strictly true, but certainly some waves are bigger than others, and are worth waiting for!
Unusually for one of my postcards I’ve squared this shot as I thought the ‘seventh wave’ would be an appropriate way to mark the end of September’s Squares.
oh isn’t this wonderful, so sorry i missed it back in september
Sarah Wilkie
No worries at all, you were travelling 😀 Glad you like it!
Gorgeous! I can almost smell the sea air.
Sarah Wilkie
Wouldn’t be great to be able to include scents in our blog posts? Although there are some we would probably rather not share!
I also heard the seven-wave story as a child … usually when the seventh wave approached, we all ran out of the water! It’s a beautiful picture Sarah – I can hear the wave breaking.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you 😃 I’m pleased you too know about the seventh wave and that the photo made you hear the sea!
Brad M
Surf can be hypnotizing.
Sarah Wilkie
It can indeed!
The waves in California just seem so different from anywhere else. But I had never heard of the seventh wave- so interesting. I hope you are having a great time on your trip 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
We’re having a great time thank you, and I know what you mean about California waves 😃
Annie Berger
I hadn’t ever heard about the seventh wave being the strongest. I wonder when that came from and how it would be determined which was the seventh wave if two people were looking at the sea at the same moment! Looking forward to my pre updates.
Sarah Wilkie
Maybe it’s an English saying? But as far as two people looking is concerned, you simply wait for what seems to be a big one and then count the ones that follow, on the assumption that the seventh from that point will also be bigger than the rest.
Great shot, Sarah, and enjoy the rest of your trip.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Teresa 😊
I’ve done the same, though all it teaches you is that there’s no mathematical process or symmetry to how the sea behaves….which is kind of pleasing. I don’t want it to be predictable! So many good memories from our California trip, I’ll enjoy you jogging them over the coming posts.
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, very true, and I agree – the sea by its nature should be unpredictable!
Nice shot. I could watch the sea for hours. I did when I was a child in Africa. We did get big waves during the Equinox…
Enjoy California
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you – I love the sight and sound of these big waves!
I’ve always thought that the sound of waves crashing is the best lullaby to go to sleep.
Sarah Wilkie
I know what you mean
Anabel @ The Glasgow Gallivanter
Gorgeous photo, seventh wave or not!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Anabel 😊
Oh, isn’t it true about the 7th wave? Have I got through life believing a lie? Ah well. You know Becky’s currently in California, don’t you? All the best people ….
Sarah Wilkie
It’s roughly true, if that helps, just not scientifically accurate! And yes, Becky and I have been comparing itineraries but I don’t think meeting up looks practical
A shame. Still, it may well happen in England.
Sarah Wilkie
I hope do, she isn’t that far from me!
Tried to write a comment and it went…great possible 7th wave, but good to see you enjoying California
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Sue 😀 This one has worked fine, and I may discover the other in my spam!
the eternal traveller
This is a great photo with lots of movement. I must remember the seventh wave theory and try it out.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you 😊 Yes, do test that theory. It isn’t always the seventh that is the biggest but it’s usually around that number!
Terri Webster Schrandt
This time of year is beautiful on the California coast. No fog! Love the idea of the 7th wave! Enjoy!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Terri 😊 We did have fog (well, mist) yesterday but otherwise the weather has been lovely!