Cityscape with sunset sky and skyscrapers lit up
Architecture,  Lens-Artists,  Nevada,  New York City

Gallery: New York, New York

John Kander / Fred Ebb

We found ourselves reminiscing about our past visits to the real New York, a city rather more to our taste than Las Vegas. So when I saw Sofia’s suggestion that for this week’s Lens Artists challenge we look back, it seemed a great opportunity to share some of my photos from a 2008 visit to one of my favourite cities. Some you will have seen here before no doubt but others I’m sharing for the first time.

And in case you’re curious, here are a few shots taken at the Las Vegas interpretation. I confess I much prefer the real thing!

I last visited New York City in 2008, when these photos were taken, and was in Las Vegas in October 2024


  • Rebecca

    I was in Las Vegas about three years ago; prior to that, I hadn’t gone back in a decade. The city’s not really for me, but it certainly is a place you can’t get bored of! Can’t wait to hear about your time in CA, though!

  • Tina Schell

    Each time we go to NYC now we spend most of our time visiting with family. We do manage a bit of touristing, but not much and not often. I so enjoyed your images as a reminder of so many of the places we love. It really is the most amazing place and you are so right about the Las Vegas version!! Beautiful images all.

  • Teresa

    Also went to Las Vegas and enjoyed the shopping outlets. And I am with you…not really my thing too. Your captures of the real NY are amazing.

  • restlessjo

    Lady friends did a 4 day trip to Vegas a few years ago and loved it. I probably would have gone along if I hadn’t been living here at the time because they included a trip over the Grand Canyon. Vegas itself appeals not at all and I’ve never been to New York. Some aspects of it appeal but not all. Nice gallery though xx

  • Annie Berger

    We have abysmal internet here on Djerba Island in Tunisia so I was only able to see a couple of your photos, unfortunately, Sarah. I think Vegas is fine for a night or two to see the lights, a concert, and a trip to Hoover Dam but, having done that, I don’t feel any need to return. I think NYC is one of the most exciting cities in the world and I always love to return there, however.

    I look forward to your posts on Death Valley, a place we’ve been to both in the scorching summer and mid winter. I know you’ll bring a unique experience or take on that fascinating national park. Hope you had/have a fun trip home.


    Hmmm, I’ve never had the slightest inclination to visit Las Vegas and I can’t see that that’s going to change. New York is another thing altogether. I visited years ago, 2009 I think, and would very much like to return with Michaela. I have to say that I’m not too surprised that Vegas wasn’t to your taste either, Sarah.

    • Sarah Wilkie

      We mainly went because it made sense as a departure point after Death Valley (rather than track back to San Francisco for instance) but we both also have a mild fascination (maybe slightly stronger in Chris’s case) for the phenomenon that is Vegas. We didn’t regret going but we probably should have stayed in a regular hotel or motel near downtown rather than on the Strip as we spent more time there. The Mob Museum was very interesting, and we enjoyed the Neon boneyard too! No doubt they will feature here in due course 🙂

      • margaret21

        Team London flew in and out of Las Vegas this summer too, for its convenience. They were curious, but not enough to stay long! New York remains unvisited by any of us, unfortunately….

  • Anne Sandler

    Your New York (Manhattan) is very different than the one I spent some time growing up in, the Bronx. I did enjoy roaming through the NY casino and having a hot dog at the deli. My latest memory of NYC was when we drove through the old, narrow Brooklyn (or it may have been Queens) streets with a truck and 31 ft. 5th wheel. I was so glad to pay $30 to cross the bridge and ride on to Connecticut.

    • Sarah Wilkie

      I’ve never properly visited the Bronx, although we did go to the zoo on our first New York visit in 1982! I do know that Manhattan is very different to the other parts of the city 😀

  • Sofia Alves

    I’ve never been to that side of the world and I have to agree with you, Sarah, the real thing all the time. Vegas is not the place for me, I don’t think. Your photos of New York capture the idea I have of what it’s like. I wonder if still is the same now. Looking forward to your California road trip photos!

    • Sarah Wilkie

      Vegas isn’t really the place for me either, but it made sense to fly home from there after visiting Death Valley and we did see some interesting sights there 🙂 New York on the other hand I love! There will be new buildings since we were last there (the new World Trade Center for a start, it was a building site back in 2008) but as a whole package the city doesn’t change much I feel!

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