Small yellow flower growing among rocks
Lens-Artists,  Nature and wildlife,  People,  Themed galleries

Gallery: the resilience of people and nature

Nelson Mandela

Anne has chosen resilience as this weekโ€™s Lens Artists challenge theme. She reminds us that โ€˜we will need it as we face a troubled worldโ€™. It may seem a hard thing to photograph, being intangible, but my archives threw up plenty of examples of people surviving in much more challenging circumstances than my own. I think that travel helps us to appreciate what we have and also to see that whatever their situation people tend to make the best of it and find ways to survive and often even flourish.

My feature photo, not squared, is of the church in Socorro

Elderly man posing with a book featuring himself
Man chiselling stone
Man with Rasta dreadlocks and a beard
Man pushing a bicycle laden with sacks
Elderly woman in a sari by advertising poster
Two women siting on rocks weaving with grasses
Woman with two donkeys on stone steps
People around a fire on an island of reeds
Man holding newspapers
Men unloading a painted wooden boat in shallow water
And what about nature?

When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure

Peter Marshall

If people can be resilient, nature is perhaps even more so. Give the smallest of helping hands from us, animals can recover from near extinction. And plants can grow in the most inhospitable of places, like the one in my feature photo taken way above the tree line on North Koreaโ€™s Mount Paektu.

Green plant on rocks
Scrubby plants on rocky soil
Fallen tree trunk with ferns growing on it
Small tree bent by the wind
Dragonfly on a twig
Large yellow lizard
Rhino in long grass


Do share your thoughts, I'd love to hear from you! And please include your name in case WP marks you 'anonymous' - thank you