Dandelion seed head
Lens-Artists,  Monochrome Madness,  Photographic techniques,  Themed galleries

Gallery: seeing favourite shots in black and white

Elliott Erwitt

Others swear by black and white as the only true photographic art form. Colour is too representative, not properly creative. But for me this isn’t a black and white issue (sorry, couldn’t resist that pun!) For some images colour seems to work better, for others monochrome, and for many I feel both versions have merit, bringing out different aspects of a subject. In a recent post about black and white photography of people I pointed out how colour can be a distraction, drawing your eyes away from the person’s face to focus on their clothes or surroundings.

For this end of year Monochrome Madness round-up I’ve selected some favourite shots from my monthly Changing Seasons galleries for conversion to black and white. And I’m doubling up with a link to the Lens Artists challenge, also looking for favourite shots from the past year.

It’s worth saying that these don’t necessarily represent my very favourite shot from each month, as I looked for images that would work well in monochrome. But they are all among my favourites! A few of them were previously shared in these monochrome edits but most were originally in colour and have been converted for this post using Nik Silver Efex Pro as always.

My feature photo was taken in Tynemouth, north east England, in May

Two people looking at a sculpture

Ornate sculptural group on the top of a building

Magnolia tree

Single tulip flower

Man dressed as Roman soldier

Cityscape with a river

Large statue and vaulted glass and iron roof

Centre of a sunflower

Bridge over a wide bay in mist

Old wooden buildings


Faded flower head

If you previously left a comment here and are wondering where it’s gone, unfortunately in a slip of the finger I managed to delete this post! I was able to recover it but all comments and likes were lost, sadly.

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