Small purple blossoms
Colour,  Flowers,  Friendly Friday,  Gardens,  Themed galleries

Gallery: a bouquet of purple flowers

I think it annoys God if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don’t notice it.

Alice Walker, ‘The Color Purple’

Purple is my favourite colour so there is little risk of my annoying God in that manner at least!

A more conventional look at the colour purple this week, after last week’s musical take on Sandy’s current Friendly Friday Challenge theme. Given that, as I said, it’s my favourite colour perhaps I shouldn’t have been surprised at how many photos of purple / mauve / violet flowers I discovered on a quick trawl through my archives.

Here is a selection of the best of them, some taken close to home and others on my travels. I’ve had fun with editing effects on some and left others more or less as they were. See which you prefer among my bouquet of purple flowers! And as always, click on any photo in the galleries to see them all full size.

Home purples

Away purples

I’m not sure that it’s possible to have too much purple, but perhaps that is enough for one day and one challenge! Looking forward now to Amanda‘s next Friendly Friday challenge …


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