Low cliffs and palm trees silhouetted against the sun
Gambia,  Lens-Artists,  Photographic techniques,  Rapa Nui,  Travel galleries

Gallery: when the light is right

Sometimes I do get to places just when God’s ready to have somebody click the shutter

Ansel Adams

Studio photographers can spend a lot of time getting the light just right, changing the angles, adjusting the brightness and colour. Landscape photographers don’t have that luxury; we have to work with the light we have, or wait until it changes naturally.

This week for our Lens Artists challenge Tina asks us to share images that illustrate the power of light. I’ve selected a couple of locations where I had the luxury of time and could capture how changing light altered a scene.

Ngala Lodge

Ngala is a beautiful boutique hotel on the cliffs of Fajara in the Gambia, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. During our week-long stay some years ago I enjoyed photographing the russet cliffs at various times of day.

Low red cliffs and palm trees
Beach reflections

The cliffs look different even photographed at the same time of day, depending on which way you point the camera.

Looking north, looking south

Just before sunset you are shooting straight into the sun, so the cliffs became silhouettes.

The Golden Hour

As the sun sets the sea glows pink with reflected light.

Low cliffs and palm trees silhouetted against the sunset
Low cliffs and palm trees silhouetted against the sun
Ngala Lodge sunset

Hanga Roa

Hanga Roa is the only town on Rapa Nui (aka Easter Island), famous for the huge moai. We only spent a few nights here, but long enough to see the town’s coastline in different lights.

The waves around this tiny island in the Pacific are unsurprisingly boisterous, and a favourite with surfers during the day.

Waves breaking on rocks
Surf’s up, Hanga Roa
Lady surfing
Surfer off Hanga Roa

As the sun sets the sea grows calmer, although the waves still break against the rocks, the spray glistening in the light.

Rocky coastline at sunset
Waves breaking at sunset
Hanga Roa at sunset

There is still enough surf to tempt some to stay out in the water, although others are calling it a day.

Man surfing in sea with golden light
Surfer, Hanga Roa, at sunset
Man carrying surfboard with sea reflecting sunlight
Surfing finished for the day

Maybe it’s better to find a waterside bar or restaurant and settle down with a drink and some excellent seafood, while continuing to enjoy the ever-changing light.

A pisco sour at sunset

Thatch roof and rocks silhouetted against sunset sky
Sunset bar

I visited Ngala Lodge in 2014 and Hanga Roa in 2016


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