Yosemite Valley, to me, is always a sunrise, a glitter of green and golden wonder in a vast edifice of stone and space.
Ansel Adams
If you have any interest in photography and in the great masters of that art, you will know the work of Ansel Adams. And if you know Ansel Adams you will know Yosemite Valley. His photos of the landscape there are stunning and iconic.
While few if any of us are able to match his creations, we can certainly visit the places that inspired them and try our best to capture their beauty. Having visited the Valley on our first California road trip back in 1991 and having just few 35mm slides as a record of that visit, we were both keen to go back. And this time we were armed with our digital cameras and would have the freedom to take many more shots!
This then is the story of our day in the valley, with several short walks for Jo. We started early as it was a weekend and we knew, even in October, likely to get busy. So we skipped breakfast at our hotel and instead bought cans of iced coffee and cereal bars in the hotel shop to make a picnic breakfast.
El Capitan and Bridalveil Falls
We stopped at one of the first pull-outs soon after we entered the park, to take in the scene. The sun light was just touching the top edge of El Capitan.

We’d only intended to stop briefly for a few photos, but we noticed a path across the road leading to Bridalveil Falls, which to our surprise still had some water flowing this late in the year. So we walked a little way along to take some photos before returning to the car and driving on in search of a nice breakfast spot.

Bridalveil Falls
We found it at Cathedral Beach, with a table right by the Merced River. It was still rather chilly this early in the day, as although the sun was now illuminating a little more of the far side, on this side we were still in shadow. But it was a beautiful spot and we had it all to ourselves!

The Swinging Bridge
Our next stop was at the Swinging Bridge pull-out. By now the park was getting a little busier but it still wasn’t difficult to find places to stop. We walked down to and across the definitely not swinging bridge, to find some beautiful reflections in the Merced River from the beach area on the far side. Of course in the spring that beach would be covered with water, but at least there was still enough flowing in the river to enhance the scene. I took some of my favourite photos here.

Views and reflections near the Swinging Bridge
Stoneman Meadow
We managed to find parking in busy Curry Village and from there had a walk around the Lower Pines area, including a boardwalk across a lovely meadow, Stoneman Meadow.

In Stoneman Meadow and Lower Pines
We had views towards the now-dry Staircase Falls below Glacier Point, which rarely flow beyond late June. There are some images of them with water on the World of Waterfalls website.

In Stoneman Meadow, looking towards Staircase Falls
Lower Yosemite Falls
We didn’t bother with the famous Mirror Lake trail which starts near here as we knew the lake would also be dry. So instead we started to drive back along the north side of the valley. By now the park was much busier so it was harder to watch the traffic, look for signs and be prepared to stop when anything looked worth doing so! But we managed to find parking near Yosemite Valley Lodge and from there walked back along the road and up the path to the Lower Yosemite Falls. Unlike Bridalveil Falls however, these were dry, although a damp streak on the rock showed where they would normally flow. But despite the lack of water in the falls this was still a lovely walk, with a sighting of a Steller’s Jay pecking insects from a tree trunk, and a squirrel.

The dry Lower Yosemite Falls and the Steller’s Jay
We walked back to the car through another lovely meadow, with views of the iconic Half Dome.

Views of Half Dome
Valley View
Our last stop in the Valley was at the very end, Valley View, where a short scramble down to the river’s edge put us in the perfect position for shots looking back down the Valley, with El Capitan prominent on the left side. My feature photo was taken here.

At Valley View
Glacier Point
But although we had left the Valley, we weren’t done with Yosemite yet. We drove the winding rode up to Glacier Point, another spot we had great memories of from our 1981 visit. It seemed to have become much more developed, or maybe our memories had somehow erased that development, recalling only the spectacular views! The latter certainly made the drive worthwhile and explained why so many other people wanted to come here!

Views of Yosemite Valley and Half Dome from Glacier Point
I last visited Yosemite in October 2024 when all these photos were taken. To see more of the national park have a look at my post about the previous day when we drove through the Tioga Pass: https://www.toonsarah-travels.blog/driving-and-walking-the-tioga-pass/
Love this beautiful capture, Sarah!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Amy 🙂
Annie Berger
I’m a sucker for reflections and you caught some marvelous ones by Swinging Bridge.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Annie – yes, the water was so still there, ideal for reflections 🙂
Jim Earlam
Enjoyable read and fantastic pictures Sarah, I love the reflections. I had intended to walk the three mile pack track on my visit but Glacier point was still snowed in so I’m going to have to go back one day! 😀
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you very much Jim, so glad you enjoyed this 😊 I hope you get to return and do that walk – and share photos with us all!
Jim Earlam
My pictures of Lower Yosemite Falls are slightly different to yours, seeing it in full flow it’s hard to imagine that it could ever dry up!
Stunning pictures! I have not yet been to Yosemite and your pictures just make me want to go all the more 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Meg 😊 I know you would love Yosemite!
Wonderful photos
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Tanja 🙂
These are all gorgeous photos, Sarah. Makes us feel small in the vast world that we live in.
By the way, when are you leaving for the Philippines? And do you already have an itinerary? Just interested and so excited for you. Hope you enjoy your trip.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Teresa 😊 We leave London two weeks on Saturday but we’re spending a couple of nights in Abu Dhabi en route so won’t arrive in Manila until two weeks from Monday. We’ll be visiting Banaue, Sagada, Vigan, Bohol and Miniloc Island (for some beach time). Exciting!
I have just been to Vigan and Bohol and not to the other two destinations, so I am also excited to see your posts. Be safe and have fun, Sarah.
Your feature photo is my favourite and stunning.
Seeing the images of Glacier Point I found very interesting. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a composition of a glacial valley like that before (only actual frozen glaciers).
As always, thanks for sharing this part of the world through your eyes.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Vicki, that’s one of my favourites too 🙂 You’re right, you do get a great perspective on the shape of a glacial valley looking down on Yosemite from that point.
I wonder if Ansel Adams ever wanted to take photos in color.
Rosalie Beasley
Sarah Wilkie
An interesting question Rosalie but my feeling is probably not!
Leanne Cole
Seeing your photos I wish I had been able to spend more time there. Great job on the photos Sarah.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Leanne 😊 I’d have liked to spend longer than we did but as I said to Jude below the park accommodations were expensive so we had to leave a bit earlier to get to our base for that night.
the eternal traveller
Your photos are simply gorgeous. Our daughter and her fiance climbed to the top of Half Dome – the thought of it gave me the shudders at the time.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you very much 😊 Wow, climbing Half Dome – that’s quite an achievement!
Beautiful photos!!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Nora 🙂
All of these photos are beautiful. The view of Yosemite Valley and Half Dome from Glacier Point is exhilaratingly gorgeous!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Rose, I’m so pleased you liked them 😊 Glacier Point is awesome!
Spectacular! The views in Yosemite are unparalleled. Your photos are breathtaking.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Egidio 😊 It’s hard not to take a good photo here, and I was very keen to capture its beauty the best I could!
A beautiful share, Sarah. One of the few which spur me to leave my shores.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Karen 😊 Yosemite is definitely worth travelling for!
Anabel @ The Glasgow Gallivanter
Marvellous. The reflections near Swinging Bridge are (probably) my favourites.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Anabel, and possibly mine too, although it’s hard to choose 😀
You have captured the magnificent views of Yosemite!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Amy – I tried!
Not hard to see why so many people make their way there, Sarah. Somewhere I’ve always wanted to go, too, but for now I’ll content myself with your lovely refection shots… and the rest! Many thanks for sharing.
Sarah Wilkie
It’s a very special place for sure Jo, and although busy at times you can escape the crowds if you’re prepared to walk even half a mile or so! You would love it, I hope you do get there one day 🙂
Steve Hyde
Lovely images 👏
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Steve 🙂
I absolutely loved this place. We stayed at the Lodge and used a shuttle bus to visit a lot of the sights you saw. We also walked to Cathedral Beach and sat at that same picnic table. In fact it appeared as on of my benches in 2015.
Sarah Wilkie
I would have loved to have stayed at the lodge but although we treated ourselves to accommodation in some of the parks (Kings Canyon, Death Valley), that one was a stretch too far for our budget! Fancy you using the same picnic table 😆
It wasn’t expensive then, and we had vouchers for breakfast in a large canteen. We went by train and coach from SF as we would have needed snow chains to enter the park. Early March I think.
Sarah Wilkie
And it would have been cheaper at that time of year too. I’d love to see Yosemite in the snow!
Snow fell overnight so in the morning we rushed out to the swing bridge to take photos before the coach arrived to take us back to Merced for the train back to SF.
Monkey's Tale
We live in the mountains, but I was still stunned by my first views of Yosemite. It’s granite walls are so impressive and you captured them well. By the way it’s a Stellar’s Jay not a blue jay. Maggie
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Maggie, and I’ll change that caption – I though blue jay was a general name for them but as they’re different from our jays I wasn’t certain I had it right!
Looks like you had an absolute ball there, Sarah! Some stunning images
Sarah Wilkie
We did Sue, it was fantastic – thank you 😀
Terri Webster Schrandt
You captured all the classic Valley shots, Sarah! Park Rangers told us years ago, that Mirror Lake is gradually turning into Mirrow Meadow. You found it dry which is typical in Fall. I hope you turn one of these into a framed print or canvas, they’re all stunning!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Terri 🙂 We didn’t even bother to walk to Mirror Lake, we knew it would be dry. I was pleasantly surprised to see the water in Bridalveil Falls tbh, I didn’t think we’d see any waterfalls! We don’t usually print and frame our images but I can see some of these being a contender if ever we did.
I created a calendar from black and white photos of Yosemite one year and afterwards I did use some of the prints to frame and hang on the wall.
The view from Glacier Point is fantastic! Almost surreal💛 And I love all those reflections, what a wonderful place!
Were the temperatures ok in October?
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you 😊 Yes, the temperatures were perfect for exploring! A bit cool in the morning – I needed my sweatshirt while eating breakfast but that was in the shade. Once the sun was high enough to reach into the valley it got pretty warm but not too much so for walking and even up at Glacier Point I was comfortable in a t-shirt 🙂
Yosemite remains one of the most beautiful and stunning places we’ve seen…there were times when I just found myself holding my head in my hands in disbelief at what I was seeing. I still feel privileged to have been there.
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, it truly is an incredible place and I agree, it’s a privilege to have been able to see it in person 😀
Breathtaking! No other word for it. Most of the images I’ve seen that Ansel Adams took were in B&W, but Yosemite looks just as beautiful in colour.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Malcolm 😊 Yes, Ansel Adams photographed in B&W with stunning results and I have dabbled with some B&W edits in faint emulation of his creations, but it does of course look beautiful in colour, just as nature intended it to be seen!
Gosh, how amazing!
Sarah Wilkie
It is definitely an amazing place!
Anne Sandler
So beautiful Sarah. I’m glad you had that experience.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Anne 🙂 We had a wonderful day rediscovering Yosemite!