Windmill and hillside with burned trees
Landscape,  Postcards from the road,  Sunday Stills,  USA

A postcard from California: the Park Fire

Distant hillside with burned trees

Greetings from California

Wildfires are a natural part of the forest ecology. They play an important role in clearing out dead vegetation, stimulating new growth, and creating habitats for certain species. But human activity is affecting this pattern, whether through global warming) which makes fires more common and more extensive) or fire starting, whether accidentally or even deliberately.

We visited Lassen Volcanic National Park a few days ago (full post to follow). The park had only recently reopened after several months of closure due to what became known as the Park Fire. That night we stayed at a lodge in nearby Childs Meadow. We had no hot water as the service still hadn’t been restored following that same fire which had passed right by the property; a minor inconvenience compared with what many had suffered as a result of the fire.

The Park Fire was started deliberately. On 24th July a man was seen pushing a car that was on fire down into a gully n

near Chico, some 50 miles to the south of Lassen. The fire grew to become the fourth-largest in California history. It destroyed 709 buildings and damaged another 54. It burned a total of 429,603 acres before being fully contained on September 26th. Thousands of people had to be evacuated from their homes, although thankfully no lives were lost. So much devastation caused by the actions of just one man.

PS editing to add a link to Terri’s Sunday Stills Trees theme, at her suggestion!


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