A street corner in Guatapé
Many of the houses here are decorated with friezes along the lower portion, known as zócalos.
When the village was first established the usual building style was to have the first section of the walls made from rocks, for stability, and the rest of bamboo covered in mud. When building methods improved the rocks were dispensed with, but the tradition of a different lower section to the walls remained. It became the custom to decorate these with designs that reflected the owners’ occupation, beliefs or simply something they liked.
Beautiful… looking forward to seeing more about this town and the artwork.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Ruth – I’ll do a full post some time soon for sure!
Max Ethan
I love that bright mix of blues and yellow on the houses.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Max -very cheerful aren’t they?!
How delightful. It reminds me of the reason for the old cast iron signs outside indicating the trade or occupation of the resident that is seen in Northern Europe and Scandinavia, but much more colourful
Sarah Wilkie
Yes I can see that Amanda 😀 Although I think here the primary purpose is decorative, with the design suggested by the activities within the building, rather than having advertising as the main driver for the custom.
This post is perfect for PPAC. What a gorgeous and colorful idea. I look forward to more posts. Wish I was there! I hope this posts this time. Your WP software told me it was unacceptable!
Sarah Wilkie
Hey, it’s not MY WP software 😉😅 You’re right about PPAC – I’ll do a full post with lots of photos after get home!
LOL, I wasn’t blaming you personally, my friend. But the message did say to me two times, “NOT ACCEPTABLE” in big bold letters! It was a super offensive remark made by the WP bots! I’m looking forward to your next post! 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
What a cheerful postcard. Looking forward to future posts of your visit.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Rose – I figured everyone would appreciate something more cheerful after the Escobar ruins in my last card!
Oh I like that idea, personalising the exterior of your home
Sarah Wilkie
There were some great different designs. I’ll do a fuller post when I’m home and more organised!
Look forward to it!
Anabel @ The Glasgow Gallivanter
What a charming street!
Sarah Wilkie
The whole of the town centre is like this!
Very ingenious, and colorful🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, and of course it’s a big draw for tourists so it boosts the local economy.
I love that bright mix of blues and yellow on the houses 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Very cheerful, isn’t it?!
Beautiful colors of the street! Happy travels, Sarah. 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Amy, we’re having a great trip!
It’s very interesting … and so colourful too.
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, amazingly colourful – more photos to follow in due course!
Gorgeous colours, a delight to photograph.
On another note, I’ve realised your posts do not come up on my phone as much as on my computer! I thought I had notifications turned on, hopefully all rectified now with emails too.
Sarah Wilkie
Ah, I wondered why I’d got a notification of you as a new subscriber!
I felt sure I’d already subscribed!
Sarah Wilkie
I’m sure subscriptions get ‘lost’ sometimes, it’s happened to me with blogs I thought I was following!
I’m trying to figure out the best way to view the blogs, through reader or notifications. Sometimes the same bloggers come up again and again, possibly because they post every day or twice a day!
What a charming custom! Hope you’re having an excellent time Sarah.
Sarah Wilkie
I am indeed, but only a few days left now 😒
Mike and Kellye Hefner
What a charming street corner, Sarah!
Sarah Wilkie
The whole town was like this Kellye 😃 I’ll post more when I get home and get my photos properly sorted and edited.
Mike and Kellye Hefner
I will be looking forward to your posts!