La Manuela
On the shores of the El Peñol-Guatapé Reservoir the infamous Colombian cocaine drug-lord Pablo Escobar built a lavish estate which he named La Manuela, after his daughter.
As well as the luxurious main house there was a pool, tennis courts, a football pitch which doubled as a helipad, stables, a guest house, a seaplane dock, and even a discotheque. But the house was also built for practicality, with double-layered walls used to hide stashes of cash and cocaine.
In 1993 La Manuela was bombed by a vigilante group called Las Pepes, allegedly funded by Escobar’s enemies including the rival Cali Cartel. Police forces seized the drugs and money revealed by the explosion. Eight months later Escobar was shot and killed by the authorities in Medellín. His former retreat was left in ruins, to be taken over by nature.
In the past tour groups have been allowed to visit La Manuela but today it is only possible (officially at least) to see it from a boat out on the lake, as we did.
A sad part of Colombia’s history…
Sarah Wilkie
Indeed, and still having an impact today.
And in Mexico too. Until prohibition is lifted. But that is another story…
Back to nature – it can’t happen fast enough!
Sarah Wilkie
Very true 😏
A fortress of a place, intentionally so I suppose! How strange to have the place standing in decline in an otherwise desirable area. So many empires end in ruin, hey?
Sarah Wilkie
I think it looks more fortress-like in its ruined state but would have been quite an attractive home at one point. Maybe nobody wants to live where he once lived, or maybe his family don’t want to sell the land but also don’t want to use it?
What a sad ending to his story and his beautiful house. Hopefully one day it will become a museum or something to honor him
Sarah Wilkie
I don’t think anyone wants to honour Escobar! He was a drug lord, narcoterrorist and all round crook – the wealthiest criminal ever, according to Wikipedia!
Oh dear, I think I got some people mixed up here…I was thinking about the Colombian artist and thought that was his house. Now Im going to have to go look up who I thought it was
Sarah Wilkie
The most famous Colombian artist is Botero. He’s still alive and living in Medellín I believe.
It would have been a fantastic house in it’s day, but at what cost to humankind. In some ways it’s better to let it rot, it must be fairly unsafe now.
Sarah Wilkie
I agree. I think the reason it’s now officially off-limits must be from safety concerns but I suspect people still manage to go!
Despite its history, it’s a bit of a shame to see it in such a state… I agree with your choice of black / white – captures the mood…
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Marie. I don’t think anyone will restore it any time soon. It’s quite a contrast to other properties on the lakeside, many of which look rather fabulous. It’s a popular location for footballers etc to live or to have a second home.
Wind Kisses
I love that you made this black and white. Adds to the mystique, doesn’t it?
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, that was my thinking. I wanted it to look a bit sinister.
Even in its dilapidated state, it looks like quite the place. Can you imagine what the people’s reaction must have been when drugs and money fell from the walls after they blew up the house … and I wonder who seized it first, the police or the people of Las Pepes?
Sarah Wilkie
It must have been a real party palace in its day! The official account says that the police seized the money and drugs but I’m betting some fell into the wrong hands – either directly from the explosion or via police who saw a chance to make a profit for themselves 😉
Brad M
Were the hippos still around the “estate” someplace?
Sarah Wilkie
Not that I’m aware of. We certainly didn’t see any and our guide made no mention of them!
Brad M
Hope they found a good home in a zoo.
Aletta - nowathome
Very interesting place! I like it in monochrome.
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, when I looked at the photos I took there, I definitely felt they would be better in monochrome.
Aletta - nowathome
Perfect! 👍🏻
Anne Sandler
What an interesting history. You did great getting the photo from the boat. I like the black and white treatment.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Anne – I felt it would have more atmosphere in black and white, plus it was a dull day so the sky was flat.
An extraordinary looking pile. I can’t work out of it’s even Dada-esque!
Sarah Wilkie
There are two structures in the photo. The one front and left is part of the swimming pool complex, while you can see part of the main house on the right to the rear.
Thanks. I’ll pore again!
There are still so many tales and even current detail about Escobar and his empire. How fascinating to see this tangible evidence of this major anti-hero.
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, I was intrigued by it. According to our guide in Medellín, Escobar was by no means the worst of the cocaine lords, but somehow he’s acquired a mystique that the others have not.
Mike and Kellye Hefner
Dark tourism indeed, but SO interesting! One day it will probably be a tourist attraction.
Sarah Wilkie
Our guide told us that he’s led tours here in the past, which involved paint-balling in the grounds! I suspect some still come here but officially it’s off limits.