A tenrec
This is a tenrec, specifically I believe a lowland streaked tenrec. We saw him on a night walk in the Andasibe-Mantadia National Park area. Tenrecs are endemic to Madagascar and this particular species lives in the eastern part of the country. He is about the size of a small rat. I loved his rather eccentric punk look!
Such an odd creature!
Sarah Wilkie
Very odd! I was so pleased to have seen him 😃
What an amazing creature! I’ve never seen it before. The colors are incredible. Enjoy your trip!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Patti. We’re enjoying the trip but WiFi is patchy in some places so I may not be able to post any more ‘postcards’
Amazing. (Green with envy!) 😉
Enjoy the lemurs…
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you! Loving the lemurs – five different species so far, can’t decide on my favourite 😃
Fantastic. As a child I was fascinated by lemurs. Knew almost all about them. Never been to Madagascar so I could never see for myself… I will now. Vicariously… Happy trip.
Mike and Kellye Hefner
He’s kind of cute, Sarah. I’ve never heard of these animals, nor have I ever seen one. You’re educating me again!
Sarah Wilkie
This trip is educating me too!
the eternal traveller
This is not an animal I’ve heard of before. I love his hair do!
Sarah Wilkie
I’m enjoying introducing him to you all!
Interesting hair colour and the yellow goes well with his light purple nose. Tenrec is new to me. Thanks for sharing, Sarah.
Sarah Wilkie
Seems I’m not the only person who hadn’t heard about these guys!
What a fantastic little critter!
Sarah Wilkie
Isn’t he just?!
How big is it? Are we talking thumbnail or anteater?
Sarah Wilkie
It’s ‘about the size of a small rat’, as stated above 😆 Or about as long as my hand, if that helps more?
When I stopped scratching and went back for a second look I saw the attraction – and the punk connection. I was almost tempted to say he had a mullet but I don’t think he qualifies for that exactly. Enjoy Madagascar but do watch that leg. Hot climates and wounds on legs don’t exactly make good friends.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Mari, and apologies – I only just spotted this comment awaiting approval. I see why you were tempted to say mullet, it’s not far off. I’m trying not to overstrain the leg but at the same time I’ll probably not be in Madagascar again so I want to see as much as I can! It’s not really a wound, thankfully, just a very nasty bruise ☹
Brad M
It has floof similar to a Rockhopper penguin.
Sarah Wilkie
Oh yes, I see what you mean – except not fluffy in the slightest!
Monkey's Tale
Wow, it looks more like a stuffed type than an animal!!
Sarah Wilkie
A rather prickly stuffed toy however, not soft in the slightest! Sorry I’m only just replying to this, I didn’t notice I had comments awaiting approval.
Love the do 😂
Sarah Wilkie
Fun, isn’t it?!
Anne Sandler
He is sort of cute with that yellow dye job!
Sarah Wilkie
I thought so!
The things you learn on Toonsarah’s blog!!! My daughter and I are researching Tenrecs right now! Never heard of it til today!
Sarah Wilkie
I hadn’t heard of them either! Glad to have shown you both something new 😀
I showed this post to my son and we ended up researching and comparing this with hedgehogs and other prickly animals. 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Oh that sounds great – glad I prompted some research 😀
Oh, bless! Definitely an eccentric punk look!
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, absolutely – I could really enjoy see a punk with these bright yellow spikes!
The hair-do certainly stands out though I assume it’s purpose is, ironically, to disguise and hide the termec in the bush.
Sarah Wilkie
Or maybe more to deter predators? I think I read that they curl up in a ball when attacked, just like hedgehogs
Real unique creature indeed! Enjoy your trip…
Sarah Wilkie
We’re having a great time (although it would be even better had I not bashed my leg!)
A prickly customer!
Sarah Wilkie
Very prickly indeed!
What a delightful creature to have spotted. Looking forward to more postcards – thanks for this one.
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, he is kind of cute, isn’t he?!
I’ve never heard of, much less seen, a tenrec before! The coloring is pretty eye a thing too! Learn something new every day when you travel, right?
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, he was completely new to me too!