Nowhere in England is the summer solstice more famously celebrated than at Stonehenge. This ancient site has been a place of worship and celebration of the solstice for thousands of years. Every midsummer it draws crowds, some committed Druids, others merely curious observers, to watch as the sun rises behind the Heel Stone to the northeast, and its first rays shine into the heart of the stone circle.
Many different theories have been put forward about who built Stonehenge, when, and why. Some say it was a Druid temple; some, an astronomical computer for predicting eclipses and solar events; and some, a place where ancestors were worshipped. The interpretation which is most generally accepted today is that it was a prehistoric temple constructed to align with the movements of the sun.

What is undisputed is its significance. It is the only surviving lintelled stone circle in the world and considered the most architecturally sophisticated. It was constructed on the site of one of the largest cremations cemeteries known in Neolithic Britain.

The stones used in its construction were brought here over long distances; in particular the famous bluestones which came from the Preseli Hills in Wales, over 150 miles (250km) away. And those stones were dressed using sophisticated techniques, and were erected using precisely interlocking joints, unseen at any other prehistoric monument. If you are interested there is a full history of Stonehenge on the very informative English Heritage website.

Note the passing A303 main road in the image above; there is talk from time to time, but so far nothing more than talk, of moving this away from the monument or building a tunnel.
Visiting Stonehenge
As a child Stonehenge was a familiar sight as we passed by on our way to holidays in Devon or Cornwall. On one occasion we stopped to visit. Back then there was no fancy visitor centre and no restrictions on access to the stones. Somewhere there is an old photo of me and my sister standing right next to the megaliths. While this is no longer possible (except for the carefully controlled access during the solstice event and special premium-priced experience visits), recent developments have ensured that intrusions such as car parks have been distanced from the stones. Instead, today visitors park some distance away, near the modern and very informative visitor centre, and are bussed to the monument. There a grassy path leads around the perimeter; while the limitations placed on access ensure people-free photos are possible for anyone with a small amount of patience.

So last year on our way home from Dorset we stopped to visit, just as I had long ago with my family. The shuttle bus dropped us off near the stones and we strolled all the way around, taking photos from all angles.

It was early November and a perfect day, and perfect time of day, for photography here. The sun was low enough to cast interesting shadows; the clouds scudded across the blue sky; a few crows wheeled overhead or settled on the massive stones in photo-worthy poses. Forgive me then if I share rather too many images from this shoot!

Our walk also took us out beyond the stones to see the famous Heel Stone. This is also sometimes referred to as the Friar’s Heel, because of a folktale attached to it:
The Devil bought these stones from an Irish woman, wrapped them up, and carried them to Salisbury plain. One of the stones fell into the river Avon, the rest were brought to the plain. The Devil declared that, ‘No-one will ever find out how these stones came here!’ A friar retorted, ‘That’s what you think!’ At this, the Devil threw one of the stones at the friar and struck him on his heel. The stone stuck in the ground and is still there to this day.

After completing the circuit around the stones we considered walking back to the visitor centre rather than taking the bus, but there was a sharp wind blowing across Salisbury Plain, and we had a table booked at a local pub for lunch. So we decided on the warmer, faster option!
However we made sure to have a look at the museum where, among other things, I was delighted to see a temporary exhibition about people’s memories of Stonehenge, staged to mark the 100 years it has been in public ownership. The many family photos submitted reminded me of my own long-ago visit! The exhibition has since finished but the old photos have been archived on the English Heritage website: Stonehenge 100.
I’m sharing our visit for Terri’s Summer Solstice Sunday Stills theme, and doubling up with Jo’s Monday Walks. I hope they both will enjoy wandering around this special site with me.
I last visited Stonehenge in 2021 when all these photos were taken
We visited on the October midterm break some years ago – weatherwise it wasn’t bad and it wasn’t crowded which was great. Your photos, as always, are wonderful…..
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, I reckon that’s a good time to go – certainly avoiding the August crowds is a must. Going quite early in the day as we did helps too, and while part of me bemoans the fact that you can no longer go right up to the stones as you could when I was a child, I have to say it make it much easier to get good photos when people milling around them!
Anne Sandler
Oh my Sarah what a bunch of beautiful images of Stonehenge. You couldn’t possibly post too many. My first thought of the heel stone was that it was a pointer for the circle. Maybe having something to do with time? A faith ceremony? Again, great photos. Almost like being there.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you so much Anne 😊 The Heel Stone serves as a marker for the summer solstice sunrise and (the other way around) the winter solstice sunset. There’s more info about it here if you are interested:
Annie Berger
We did a very long bus tour out to Windsor Castle, Bath, Salisbury Cathedral, and Stonehenge at the end of the day. Insane but still worth seeing an incredible sight
Loved your photos and description. Even though that was my second time there – the first was in 1974 – I don’t remember hearing a thing about the Heel Stone do glad you mentioned it.
Sarah Wilkie
Gosh, that does sound insane! I always think the tours that try to include Bath with Salisbury and Stonehenge are doing too much, but to include Windsor too is crazy! Did you have any time to enjoy the places? Bath alone needs two days!
Annie Berger
More than a tad crazy, you’re right, but at least I’d previously visited all those places except Salisbury Cathedral and in far greater depth. This is what people would have called a whistle stop tour way back when!
Sarah Wilkie
Whistle stop indeed! I’m not sure you’d even have had time to blow a whistle 😂
It’s an impressive sight, even if no one is sure of its original purpose. Your pictures are great, Sarah! I would have taken a lot too.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you 🙂 I reckon anyone with a camera (or phone!) would do so!
We are flying into London in October for a cruise. We are planning a couple of extra days before the cruise starts, if things work out anyway. Stonehenge is on my list of things to see.
Sarah Wilkie
It’s definitely worth seeing. But if this is your first time in London there is so much to see in the city itself that I don’t know that I’d recommend taking a whole day out to go elsewhere! Depending on your timing and other plans of course, but do message me if you fancy meeting up for a drink one evening while in town?
You are most likely correct in that we should stick close to the city. If our timing works out, I will message you.
Mystery Indepth
Nicely written
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you 🙂
On one of the many times we’ve passed and/or visited Stonehenge, one was when we spent a hiking weekend in Stockbridge. Our longest hike included Stonehenge, but also Woodhenge not far away, do you know about that? It’s a low level wooden replica – but intriguing because although it’s been proved to be of considerable age, no one has teen able to trace who made it or how it came to be there.
Sarah Wilkie
I do know about Woodhenge (and it’s covered in the museum here) but I’ve not seen it for myself – something for the list next time we’re in the area!
An amazing walk around the stones, Sarah, and still a place I have to visit. Stonehenge is actually the culprit of my wanderlust, which started with my Grade 5 English book🙂 Of course we were not even allowed to think of traveling at that time, but well, I shall visit it one day!
Sarah Wilkie
I do hope you get to visit Stonehenge one day, especially as it was the place that first captured your imagination in regards to travelling 😀
100 Country Trek
We have been there many times. Such a fascinating and historic site to see.
Sarah Wilkie
Yes – worth multiple visits to take it all in and see the stones in different weather and lighting conditions 🙂
100 Country Trek
So many images of these .
A fabulous walk around the stones! I’ve visited smaller stones in Scotland, but never Stonehenge – thank you for this treat!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much 😊 I’m happy you enjoyed this virtual walk!
Beautiful photos! Stonehenge is really interesting. Thanks for sharing!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Dawn, glad you enjoyed this 🙂
kirstin troyer
What awesome photos! It is always so fun living vicariously through everyone’s posts and photos. Thank you for sharing.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Kirstin, I’m happy you enjoyed ‘visiting’ Stonehenge with me 😊
So interesting to learn some of the history of this iconic place. I can only imagine the incredible atmosphere of being here on the solstice! 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, I think that would be an amazing experience!
We visited 22 July 2002. It was a hot (for England) sunny day and there were hordes of people there. The recorded message things were either all out, or their batteries had run down. We got one from someone who was leaving the site. My husband listed to it – I was too impatient to listen so I don’t know what it said. I thought the heel stone was called the Frog stone because it was supposed to have a frog face. i thought it looked more like a moray eel, but I guess there wouldn’t have been many of them around for a comparison
We had a full day that day. We had been staying in London, so we rode the tube out to West Ruislep with our suitcases, our daughter picked us up (she said she wasn’t driving in to London to get us), and we visited Salisbury Cathedral. We had lunch there. Then we went to Old Sarum to look at the cathedral from a distance. I had been looking at paintings by Constable of the cathedral, so I wanted that perspective. After that we went to Stonehenge, and then on to Avebury before we went to our daughter’s rental house in Cheltenham.
Sarah Wilkie
That was a full day Rosalie! Glad you saw Avebury too, it’s interesting to see both sites 🙂
We were there with our daughter and grandson – he was 6 or 7. Avebury was his favorite. I had never heard of it until our daughter told us about it. I wasn’t really able to see Avebury close up – my husband walked the circle with our daughter, but even back then (I was only 64) I wasn’t able to walk well enough to see it except from a distance.
It doesn’t matter from which angle you take a photo of Stonehenge, every one is as good as the next! Thank you for taking me on a stroll around these magnificent stones … there’s no two stories about this: It’s impressive (and so are your photo’s)!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed the stroll and the views of the stones 🙂
Excellent photos Sarah … but you are perpetuating a myth which I fully believed before I visited Stonehenge years ago. Based on pictures like yours and moves like 2001, I believed that these were massively huge stone monoliths. I was expecting skyscraper size edifices where I would look like an ant in Manhattan. During my first ever trip to England, I took the 2 (or was it 4 hour?) drive to Stonehenge, tramped through wet and abysmally cold plains to see these stones which were considerably smaller than New York building. You can say my expectations were misguided. But much like the internet today, back then Hollywood was my reference for truth. I saw it a movie, so it must be true!
Kidding aside, I see that you do include a black bird in your photos. Using that a reference, it’s obvious that these stones are not a big as skyscraper …. unless these are really really big birds ???
Sarah Wilkie
Really?! I guess because I’ve known this site since I was a child I find the stones massive enough as they are. Consider that they were moved here all the way from Wales by people who had only the most basic of tools! And if you look carefully there ARE some people in my shots, as well as the birds 😆
Stonehenge looks neat, and it is fun to speculate about its purpose. Happy first day of summer!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you 🙂 I always find it odd that the first day of summer is followed only three days later by Midsummer’s Day!
Great photographed around the masses. It doesn’t look true and I saw the loads of tourists.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Ulrike 🙂
This brings back good memories of my visit there in the mid-seventies when you could still go right up to the stones. Our younger daughter and I visited many years later when that was no longer possible, but it was still impressive.
Sarah Wilkie
Glad to have brought back good memories Janet 🙂
the eternal traveller
It’s such a fascinating place. We took our girls there in 1999. There was no visitor centre and a path went right around the stones, but not up too close. I would enjoy visiting again and seeing the museum.
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, the visitor centre is fairly new and is a great addition to the site 🙂
Wonderful Sarah. On my list to see 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Brian, definitely worth a visit!
Stonehenge is such an intriguing place. It’s interesting to read about the various ‘guesses’ of what it represents.
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, intriguing is a good word for it Rose!
I remember doing the stonehenge day trip from london 20 years ago…. And being soooo disappointed we couldn’t go closer and touch them! Still an amazing place to see though! The history you’ve described is just so special!
Sarah Wilkie
You need to go to Avebury – you can still touch the stones there 🙂 I must do a follow-up piece!
Oh I wish I had gone! Maybe another time! I touched the callanish stones in Scotland, that was so cool!
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, hopefully you’ll get a chance in the future!
It’s a very interesting place. I visited a few years ago in October and it was still very busy at that time of year.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you for visiting and commenting 🙂 These photos were taken on 1st November last year and I had to be careful not to include too many people even then!
Aletta - nowathome
Such an interesting place!
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, fascinating – thanks Aletta 🙂
Gosh, it’s years since I’ve been there. In fact you could still approach and climb all over everything, though there was little, if any interpretation. Thanks for this updated visit and … Happy Solstice!
Sarah Wilkie
I remember those days too, but on balance I think this is better. You still get a good look and without the risk of damage or people intruding in your shots! Apparently for a (hefty) fee you can book a VIP experience which allows you inside the circle 🙂 And happy solstice to you too!
Haha! We have to be fairies and elves tonight. I can’t imagine … but we have sorted costumes out in the end.
Sarah Wilkie
Ooh, sounds fun!
Yup. Leave all (well most) inhibitions behind.
Do tell, Margaret! Last year I followed the Solstice at Stonehenge online. A little tedious if I’m honest, but I’ve never actually seen the site in real life, so thanks for this, Sarah.
Haha, Jo, it was enormous fun. But photogenic I’m not …
Mike and Kellye Hefner
Never too many pictures, Sarah! We enjoy seeing every one of them, and Stonehenge is on our “to visit” list for if we ever get to England. We appreciate your perspective, both written and through your lens.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you so much 😊 This comment too fell foul of my spam filter, for some reason!
Terri Webster Schrandt
I’m glad you shared this, Sarah! What an amazing history Stonehenge has, and a perfect post to commemorate the solstice! How cool that you randomly drive by there. Your pictures are lovely and give me added incentive to put this visit near the top of my bucket list.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Terri 🙂 Pretty much anyone driving from London to the West Country will pass by here or close to here. And it’s one of the most popular day trips from the capital too. There are loads of ancient monuments in Wiltshire, many of them of just as much significance to historians as this is, but Stonehenge is one of the most visually interesting and certainly the best known!