While a photo can tell a story without the need for words, and words can do likewise without any illustration, the combination of both can be more powerful than either. Each month Paula challenges us to find photos to match her chosen words. Some seem easy to ‘illustrate’, others I genuinely find challenging. But it’s an exercise I always enjoy!
I think we all hope our words will mean something, and many of us hope that our photographs will too. Paula’s Pick a Word challenge gives us a chance each month to consider her words and pair them with our photos.
To focus on a single word and bring it to life in an image; it sounds simple, but … This month’s Pick a Word choices come from Botswana, China, Oman, Guatemala and Peru. Whatever else they make you feel, you could well be dizzy travelling so far so quickly!
The writer, the painter and the photographer have the power to ‘shake up a familiar scene’. Through their eyes we often discover something anew even though we may have seen a similar scene many times before.
I like to caption my photos; I like to illustrate my words. But when it comes to Paula’s monthly Pick a Word, my task is to illustrate her words. She assures me that I ‘don’t have to do all of them, one is enough’. But I always like a challenge so feel compelled to try!
Surely our photographs help to bring words to life, and help them to live on? As always, Paula’s monthly Pick a Word challenge prompts us to match a photo to a single word and bring it to life.
For most of us photos are an integral to our memories of life’s events. How we remember them is shaped by the moments we captured. In my travel photography I am usually juggling two aims. I want to capture the ‘what’, create a documentary record of each trip. But I’m also interested in ‘how’ I record and remember it, striving to create the best images I can.
How do we define a ‘good word’? One that is appropriate for the situation? One that does good rather than harm? Or one that sounds good when we hear it spoken or read it aloud? Or perhaps all three?
One of my favourite poems, by one of my favourite poets, is about words. Some may say that’s not so surprising, when I like to use so many of them! And now again I am facing the task posed by Paula in her monthly Pick a Word challenge. Five words, five photos inspired by those words.
Oh dear! How many times have I fallen precisely into the trap of marvelling at the beauty of terraced fields, forgetting how tough it must be to farm these hillsides.