The smallest things can trigger a memory: a song, a scent, a throwaway remark. Yesterday, for me, it was a single word, a place name: Monneville. Very many moons ago, in my teens, I spent about ten days living in Monneville as a pupil on my school’s French Exchange programme.
After a day with lots of rain in Paris, followed by one with none at all, today’s forecast was for sunshine and showers. We decided on another walk, with the possibility of a couple of small museums for shelter if the rain became too much.
They say we should never go back. And yes, sometimes when we visit old half-remembered haunts we can be disappointed. They may have changed, and we almost certainly have done so. How pleasing when instead of disappointment we find delight!
We have had plenty of rain this month, including during our anniversary trip to Paris. But we also had a week of Indian Summer, with temperatures in the mid 20s and plenty of sunshine. And it would be premature to talk much of ‘leaves of brown’, although they are starting to turn and some indeed have tumbled down.
On the first day of our most recent visit to Paris we got wet – very wet! But we had a lot of fun too and found some places to explore out of the rain that made the day memorable. After all, what is a bit of water if you’re in your favourite city?
One of the things I most enjoy when exploring a city is photographing the little details of the buildings. Carved stone, wrought iron, weathered wood; all these things add to the picture of the city streets I hope to create. Doors especially are full of such details: knockers, handles, decorative features.
The 2024 Olympic Games finished some weeks ago, but the torch is burning bright again in the Jardins des Tuileries, now for the Paralympic Games.
It’s Pick a Word time again. Another month and another set of five words from Paula to illustrate. Always challenging, always fun! And as always I've trawled my archives to find some words that I hope fit her choices.
How do most grandparents respond when asked to do something by their grandchildren? They try their best to oblige, of course. So when, on our recent visit to Paris, our friend Pete mentioned that he had promised to send his grandchildren a photo of himself by the Eiffel Tower and to buy them miniature towers, we all agreed to accompany him on this mission.
We had been to Paris just a couple of months previously, in September. So why return so soon, and in chilly (make that freezing!) November? Well, this was to be a rather different visit. Newcastle were to play Paris Saint Germain in the Champions League and although we didn't have tickets we wanted to meet up with friends and enjoy the atmosphere.