Who doesn’t love a bridge? There’s something special about being able to cross from one side to another, knowing that without the bridge this would be impossible. Crossing one is like moving into another world, where each step carries you from the familiar into the unknown.
One of the things I most enjoy when exploring a city is photographing the little details of the buildings. Carved stone, wrought iron, weathered wood; all these things add to the picture of the city streets I hope to create. Doors especially are full of such details: knockers, handles, decorative features.
The setting of the small old town of Kotor is very special. The beautiful Bay of Kotor on one side, the mountains surrounding it on the remaining sides, and still-intact walls encircling it, pierced by three old gates. And as a bonus for many of us, the town is home to a veritable clowder of cats.
When I searched for interesting quotes about zigzag lines I was surprised to find relatively few. But of those I found, many talked about journeys, which as a keen traveller appealed to me. After all, aren’t zigzag journeys often the most interesting and rewarding?
Like many photographers, I find buildings with balconies particularly appealing. Maybe it’s because they add architectural interest to the building? Or maybe because they often provide clues to the people who live there? We see their choice of decorative features and furniture, their plants growing, their washing drying … and sometimes we even see them!
Have you ever thought what fun it would be to be able to fly! Not boxed up in an aeroplane, but free, like a bird? Many would opt for that as their ‘super power’ if given the choice, I reckon. But maybe we all have wings, of a sort?
As anyone who travels to cities, and/or lives in one, knows, the only way to get to know a city is to walk in it. And ideally to walk without purpose, or at least open to the serendipity of the unexpected. A quaint alleyway, an unusually decorated house, a small church tucked away from the main thoroughfare, a garden or tranquil square … Who knows what you might find?
A wonderful sense of design pervades the whole of Japan it seems, from architecture to clothing, household items to gardens … Somehow the Japanese know how to balance minimalism with intricate detail, with an apparently effortless emphasis on simple, natural elements.
There’s something about both windows and doors that draws many photographers to capture them, isn’t there? Maybe it’s the intrigue of not knowing what lies within. Or perhaps it’s simply that their geometry is pleasing to the eye.
A few weeks ago I took you for a walk around the colourful Mexican city of Oaxaca. On that occasion I skipped over most of the major sights but promised to return to visit them later. Today is that ‘later’!