In the remote mountainous lands of Chihuahua state in northern Mexico the Rarámuri people of the Copper Canyon still enjoy a largely traditional lifestyle, despite the incursions of the modern world. We were privileged to be able to meet a Rarámuri family, one that has chosen to blend a traditional way of life with the benefits that tourism can offer.
There is only one solution to the challenge of jet lag in my opinion. Not a cure, but a way to minimise its impact. And that is, to ignore it as much as possible, adopt the time of your destination as soon as possible and stay active.
The Piedra de la Fertilidad (Stone of Fertility) is a rock shaped like a penis which unsurprisingly is something of a fertility symbol for the Raramuri people of the Copper Canyon region. They believe that a man who touches it will become more virile while a woman doing the same will become pregnant.
The tomb known as Tomb Seven is the most famous of many discovered at Monte Albán, as it contained the largest number of Mesoamerican objects found to date, both from the Zapotec culture and later Mixtecs.
A few hours’ drive north of Ecuador’s capital, Quito, is the market town of Otavalo. Like similar towns the world over, market day is traditionally an occasion for local people to come together, to trade goods and probably a fair bit of news and gossip too.
If it is true that light is the key to photography, surely it is especially the case that it is key to drama in photography. The most dramatic photos are often those with the most interesting light, and with strong contrasts between light and dark.
Like many people I have long been fascinated by the lifestyle of the Amish and Mennonite people. Their rejection of many of the technological conveniences we take for granted. Their seclusion from modern society. And the beliefs that influence the choices they make about how to live. One way to learn more is to visit.
English can be a strange language. I know I would hate to have to learn it! The pronunciation of many of our words seems illogical and inconsistent (think of tough / bough / through / though / cough). And we have so many words with multiple meanings.
You might think that a place called Hellville would have a dark past. But this lively town on the Madagascan island of Nosy Be takes its name not from any Satanic connections but from Anne Chrétien Louis de Hell, a French admiral who was governor of Réunion Island from 1838 to 1841.
There are luxury resorts all over the world where you can, if you want, relax on a beach knowing that you and your fellow guests will have it to yourselves. No one will intrude to disturb the illusion of perfection or remind you that you are (quite probably) in a third world country. Eden Lodge, on Baobab Beach, where we spent our last few days in Madagascar, is definitely not such a spot.