I am passionate about travelling and at the moment, when travel is on hold, I am naturally dreaming of where I will go when we can all travel again.
Don’t you agree that a trip offers three different opportunities for enjoyment? Planning the trip, the trip itself, and collating the memories afterwards (editing photos, blogging etc.)
I can’t do the middle of these right now; but I can blog about past trips, and I can dream about (if not actually plan) future ones.
As clearly I can’t post photos of trips yet to be taken, for my first attempt at joining the Friendly Friday Challenge, with its theme this week of ‘Dreams’, I will share a handful of favourite photos from past adventures. The image at the top of the page is of Glacier Grey in Chile’s Torres del Paine National Park.

Visiting North Korea last year was an amazing travel experience. It’s somewhere I could never have dreamed of visiting when I first started travelling.

This is possibly my favourite African bird, although I love all the Bee Eaters too.

A rickshaw ride through the streets of Old Delhi is a memorable experience!
philosophy through photography
Love your travel experience my friend.Love all the clicks specially the glacier one a rare thing for Indians.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. The glacier is in the Torres National Park in Chile – plenty of that type of scenery there, it’s stunning!
philosophy through photography
welcome my friend
Thank you
Planning the trip, the trip itself, and collating the memories afterwards ..-totally agree with you!:) #friendlyfriday
What an excellent interpretation of Sandy’s prompt and I am so very glad you gave it a shot! Pun intended! Lol. I didn’t notice the spectator in the first photo until I read Sandy’s comments. Those statues are ENORMOUS! And the glaciers at Torres del Paine National Park are just ethereal. I always wanted to visit there, but photos are the next best thing. I quite agree on the three stages of a holiday. The planning and anticipation are really an integral and enjoyable part. Hopefully we will see you next week over at my Friendly Friday.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Amanda, and my apologies for the delay in acknowledging your lovely comments. As with your other comment, this went into my spam folder. I’m hoping now that I’ve ‘unspammed’ them, it won’t happen in the future!
Yes, I’ll be on the lookout for your next Friendly Friday challenge for sure!
No worries, Sarah. Sometimes the spam filter picks up valid comments. I am happy you unspammed me! The Friendly Friday Challenges are fun – well at least we try to make them so. They are not just about posting a photo although this is fine if you just want to do that. However, if you also want to tell a story with your post, you are most welcome to do so. Sandy and I love stories.
Sarah Wilkie
Great – I like sharing photos AND telling stories 😆
A lovely selection of photos Sarah! The Pyongyang shot makes a great statement entirely due to the spectator on the ground. Very impactful.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Sandy 🙂 Yes, you need to include a figure in these shots to convey a sense of the scale of these statues – they’re massive!
Massive scale for massive egos.
starship VT
I do whole heartily agree on the three possibilities for travel enjoyment. All great photos from what were obviously fabulous trips! And, knowing you, I’m sure this just barely scratches the surface of the variety and number of memorable trips and dream photos you’ve taken!
Sarah Wilkie
Indeed Sylvia – it was so hard to pick out just a handful for this topic!!