January brings the snow, makes our feet and fingers glow
Sara Coleridge, The Garden Year
Not in London it doesn’t, or at least, hardly ever. Oh, it used to! I remember many a snowy January as a child, including some very bad ones, when my mother would recite that poem to me. And well into my adult years snow was a regular occurrence. But in recent years we’ve seen it less and less, although northern England still gets its fair share. This January it probably got more than its fair share, as storms hit the UK, but in London we saw only a dusting of snow first thing one morning, gone almost as soon as it got light.
But I’m not complaining, quite the reverse. Snow looks pretty in the countryside but in the city it quickly turns dirty or icy or both. It causes transport chaos and plays havoc with people’s plans. However, the price we pay for snow-free days is a month of largely dull skies, with only the occasional bright and frosty one to give us a lift.
Out and about in January
Apart from the weather however, this has been a good month. At the start of the year we were in Newcastle but came home just a couple of days into January. Since then we’ve been at home but with no shortage of enjoyment. There were various evenings out including a theatre visit to see Sigourney Weaver as Prospero in The Tempest at the Theatre Royal (one of my Christmas presents from Chris and a wonderful production). Two days later we saw Ben Elton returning to stand-up in what was probably the best live routine we’ve seen from anyone (one of Chris’s presents from me!) We had a couple of cinema outings, A Complete Unknown and The Brutalist (both excellent). We also got tickets for a TV football chat show featuring a former Newcastle player, Steve Howey, which was great fun as the audience were all Toon fans.
I had lunch out with friends and with some of our Plan Zheroes volunteers, went to a great meeting of my photo group and had a blogger meet-up. Whom did I meet? It was none other than one of our Changing Seasons hosts, Ju-Lyn, who has been staying in London for family reasons. She made the time to pop over to Ealing to see me and we had a great chat over hot drinks in one of my favourite coffee shops.
We also saw a couple of good photography exhibitions. The first was a free one in a small gallery in Mayfair featuring the stunning wildlife photos of German Lars Beusker. You can see one of the works here: https://www.miartgallery.com/artists/107-lars-beusker/works/9994-lars-beusker-mufasa-2023/. The second was on a much larger (and more expensive!) scale, The 80s: Photographing Britain, at Tate Britain. But size and cost don’t always equate to best, and although I liked a lot of the photos on display, they were mostly ones I’d seen previously by favourite photographers such as Chris Killip, Don McCullin, Sirkka-Liisa Konttinen and Tish Murtha. Many of the others interested me less and there were really too many to take in properly.
Technical notes
Most of this month’s shots were taken with my phone, and the remainder with my Panasonic Lumix point and shoot camera. Most have been at least a little edited with Photoshop Elements and some also with Nik Color Efex or with Nik Silver Efex for the monochrome shots. The first of my tulip shots was created with a copper filter applied in Nik Silver Efex and a black background in Elements.
My featured image was taken in our local park, Walpole.
As always I am linking my selection to Ju-Lyn’s and Brian’s Changing Seasons challenge. Use the arrows to navigate the slideshow if you want to see all the images.
Great pictures. I really love how you captured the lovely details of the Tate 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you 🙂 It’s a beautiful building!
Jim Earlam
I worked in Ealing from the mid eighties to mid nineties and Walpole Park was always a joy to walk through at any time of the year 😀
Sarah Wilkie
It still is – we live in South Ealing and use it as our regular route to the shops in the Broadway, cinema etc 🙂 We’ve been here since 1986 so our paths may well have crossed! Where did you work?
Jim Earlam
A rather nondescript building on the Uxbridge Rd with a Blue Lamp in front of it 😀so hopefully our paths didn’t cross 😉
Sarah Wilkie
Ah yes, I know it well – but only from the outside, I should add! It’s been decommissioned (if that’s the right term) and current stands empty but my photography group had a huge outdoor exhibition on the front of it a couple of years ago which is still there! https://www.ealinglondonphotography.co.uk/exhibitions.html
Jim Earlam
I like the title ‘Unlocked’ 😀
Great series, Sarah! I loved all photos, and especially the flower macros and that train photo.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Egidio 😊 Always good to hear which ones stand out for you!
A wonderful January selection, Sarah! Thank you for sharing your technical notes, beautiful photos.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Amy 😊
the eternal traveller
This is a nice way to review the month. You did lots of interesting things. I love the tulips.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you – I can’t resist buying and photographing tulips at this time of year!
I really liked the ‘otherworldly’ tulip shot with the copper filter. 🌷
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Rose, I had fun playing around with that shot 😊
Sarah, what an incredibly fun, action-packed and varied January. You certainly did get out and about. I have yet to see A Complete Unknown, it’s on the list. Curious to read your impressions about fading January snowage (I know that’s not really a word) in London. We’ve had a light coating here in the Midlands several times in January and to be honest I would not welcome anymore. Onwards to spring! Your gallery, as ever, offers some fascinating perspectives.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Leighton 🙂 I can definitely recommend A Complete Unknown, although being older than you that early Dylan period was just at the start of ‘my’ era musically speaking, whereas it will be ancient history to you!!
Petrol cap is my favourite, just because! Sounds like an excellent month, Sarah, in spite of the weather.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Jo, that one was a fun find 🙂 I don’t think I’ve seen that car since so it must have been just visiting.
Sounds like a great month , Sarah!
Sarah Wilkie
It was pretty good as Januarys go! Thanks Sue 🙂
The first tulip pic is my favourite
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Malcolm – that’s the one I played around with rather a lot and I liked how it turned out 😀
Monkey's Tale
January and no snow in the pictures, how lovely. The gas tank artwork is interesting. I’m not sure I’d do it to my car, but like to see it on some else’s. I love the hellebore macro shot. Maggie
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Maggie 🙂 I was pleased with how that hellebore shot came out, it’s one of my favourites this month!
Anabel @ The Glasgow Gallivanter
Lovely selection, as usual. Like Jude, my favourite is the man looking at the photos with a jaunty stance.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Anabel 🙂 As I said to Jude, I’m guilty of stalking that man to get a photo!
What an interesting month! I have spent most of it coughing and with no energy at all, hoping February will be better. You have a great selection here, and the one that I like most is the chap in the Tate – great shot!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Jude 🙂 I do hope you feel better in February than in January and can look forward to the spring. I confess I ‘stalked’ that guy and took three photos of which this was my favourite!
A wonderful gallery for January, Sarah. I love the shot from the train (it looks like a watercolour painting) and the mural in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. I’d also love to meet up with you and Ju-Lyn. Happy February!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Natalie 😊 I’d love to meet you too, so if ever your European visits see you in or passing through London, do get in touch!
Anne Sandler
You had a busy January Sarah, and took some beautiful pictures also. Off to a great 2025.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Anne 🙂 It’s not my favourite month (I hate the short days and chilly weather) but there’s always plenty to do in London!
Some fun photos here, some pretty ones, and some nice studies. A great mix, I’d say.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Margaret – glad you liked this month’s mix 🙂
Petrol cap art. A new one on me! Looks good though. What a very sophisticated January you two had…!
Sarah Wilkie
A new one on me too 😆 I’m not sure I’d go so far as to say sophisticated but I guess quite cultural!
A lovely selection for January Sarah. You did get out and about to some wonderful shows and galleries.
I love the bare tree header too.
Thanks for joining in The Changing Seasons 😀
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Brian 🙂 The header image makes me shiver a little but it does sum up January rather well!