Red autumn leaves
London,  Paris,  The Changing Seasons,  Themed galleries

Gallery: a September selection (2024)

The leaves of brown

Came tumbling down, remember

In September

In the rain

Harry Warren / Al Dubin / Giuseppe Ricci

I grew up to a soundtrack of Frank Sinatra, my mother’s favourite and played almost every evening on the old gramophone player in the sitting room. As a teenager I was scornful, preferring more modern artists, but as I grew older I developed a nostalgic liking for many of the songs he performed. And you can’t get a more nostalgic tone than this, September in the rain.

It’s also appropriate as we have had plenty of rain this month, including during our anniversary trip to Paris. But we also had a week of Indian Summer, with temperatures in the mid 20s and plenty of sunshine. And it would be premature to talk much of ‘leaves of brown’, although they are starting to turn and some indeed have tumbled down.

We were away for quite a bit of the month but still managed to fit in a concert (Lindisfarne); a meal out with friends at the wonderful Michelin-starred Gymkhana in London’s Mayfair; a fascinating talk by the BBC’s longstanding foreign correspondent John Simpson; a cinema visit (Lee, highly recommended); a pizza-making cookery workshop; a day promoting our charity Plan Zheroes at a corporate event at London Zoo; and a few other things besides. It’s been a busy time!

Towards the end of the month we flew to California for a three week road trip. I am posting this from there, so photos taken in the last week or so will be held over until my October round-up.

Technical notes

Most of these shots were taken with my phone, but in Paris I used my compact Panasonic Lumix. Most have been at least a little edited with Photoshop Elements and some more heavily edited with Nik Color Efex.  

As always I am linking my selection to Ju-Lyn’s and Brian’s Changing Seasons challenge. Use the arrows to navigate the slideshow if you want to see all the images.


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