Architecture,  Monochrome Madness,  Photographic techniques,  Squares,  Themed galleries

Gallery: finding geometry in architecture

Frank Lloyd Wright

While I accept that there are plenty of dull buildings to be found, and some that are downright ugly, there are also many to admire. Good architecture makes our cities more interesting, and the best can give us iconic and visually striking buildings that will enhance our cityscapes for years to come. I am especially drawn to curvaceous buildings, from Frank Lloyd Wright’s Guggenheim to the work of Zaha Hadid. After all, as the latter has been quoted as saying, β€˜There are 360 degrees, so why stick to one?’

But whether you admire curves or sharp angles, hopefully there will be something to please everyone in my gallery below. I’ve chosen these shots partly because they are buildings I personally find appealing in some way, and partly to fit with Becky’s January Squares theme of β€˜Geometry’. I’ve also editing them all in black and white (using Nik Silver Efex Pro as usual) as my contribution to this week’s theme-less Monochrome Madness.

Incidentally, I will be hosting Monochrome Madness next week and my chosen theme is the sea. I hope you’ll all join in!


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