Stained glass window with geometric patterns
Architecture,  Art,  Squares,  Themed galleries

Gallery: finding geometry in Islamic design


Islamic art shuns the depiction of living figures, whether human or animal, partly to avoid any suggestion of idolatry and partly because it is believed that the creation of living forms is Allah’s prerogative. Instead the emphasis is on geometric forms as well as calligraphy and abstract floral motifs.

The designs employ everything from simple circles and squares through more complex lozenges and stars. Typically the shapes will be repeated and overlapped to create more elaborate and intricate patterns. For instance, two squares can be overlapped and one turned through ninety degrees to form an eight pointed star, a very common motif. Octagons can be tessellated with small squares, or triangles linked in chains with star shapes formed between them. Circles are used extensively too, symbolising unity and diversity in nature.

Finding geometry in the buildings of Marrakesh

In that 2021 post I focused on some of my favourite buildings in the city. Today I’m widening my scope to also include Islamic architecture from a number of different countries, and I’ve squared all the shots to link to Becky’s January Squares theme of geometry.

My feature photo was taken in the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque in Muscat, Oman, as were several others below. But let’s start with just a few from Marrakesh …

Tile ceiling with star and hexagon shapes
Plaster arches with elaborate carving
Part of a staircase with blue and white tiles
Band of mosaic tile-work
Walls and pillars with intricate tiled patterns
Delicately painted domed ceiling
Wall with intricately carved stone work and simple black and white tiles
Domed ceiling with gold tiles
Metal gate with star pattern
Wood carved with intricate patterns
Pointed arched niche with elaborate tiled mosaics
Tiled arched niche
Cream and gold tiled dome with a chandelier
Carved window lattice
Tiled dome with blue and turquoise tiles
Tiles with star and flower motifs
Bright turquoise and blue tiles in star patterns
Bands of turquoise and white tiles
Small dome tiled in blue and brown
Rooms tiled in shades of brown with connecting doorways


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