Every treasure is guarded by dragons. That’s how you can tell it’s valuable.
Saul Bellow, ‘Herzog’
Not so photographic treasures however. No dragon guards them; they are there for anyone with an eye to see them. After all, isn’t every outing with a camera a kind of treasure hunt? Looking all around you as you walk/drive/ride for any opportunity to take a photo, just as a treasure hunter is alert to any sign that what they seek lies just underfoot.
For this week’s Lens Artists challenge Tina has asked us to go on a treasure hunt. It seemed to me that there could be two interpretations of such a challenge. Should I venture forth with my camera in a true hunt for these treasures? Or instead search among my archives to find images to match her list? As I’ve been away for most of last week I’ve opted for the latter approach. And in my hunt for treasures for this challenge I’ve tried to find some photos that I’ve not shared previously.
Of course it is when I travel that I am most aware of the many photo opportunities that surround me. Most of these shots were taken on various trips, hence the treasure map in my cover image. But a few were found closer to home, proving the point that there is treasure to be found everywhere if only we have eyes to see it.
(extra credit if you also include rain or snow)

Early morning low clouds over mountains near Nong Khiaw in Laos
~ no rain or snow here and soon the clouds too will be gone, burned off by a hot sun
The moon or the sun
(extra credit for both in one image)

The moon over Lake Chelan in Washington State
~ while the sun isn’t visible in my photo, the shadows on the mountainside are clues to its presence
(extra credit if you include the driver or what the truck is hauling)

Truck at a roadside stop in Rajasthan
~ unfortunately the driver must be inside the simple restaurant behind the truck, and its contents are draped in a tarpaulin

The lights of Hoi An, Vietnam, reflected in the Thu Bon River

Also in Hoi An, a proud owner introduced us to her cat which she was taking for a walk on a lead
A child
(extra credit if with other family members)

A young girl watching an open air concert from a balcony in Plovdiv, Bulgaria
~ you’ll have to take my word for it that her mother was in the darkened room just behind!
An umbrella
(extra credit if you include a person using it)
A wet evening in Lucca, Italy
~ do I get extra extra credit because the person using it is riding a bike?!

Something fun you found on a walk

I spotted these signs by the High Level Bridge in Newcastle while walking down to the Quayside
~ be sure to read them aloud to enjoy the fun!
Autumn foliage
(extra credit if it’s something that only blooms in the fall)
Oak leaves in Walpole Park, Ealing, just five minutes’ walk from home
~ I confess I didn’t understand the credit potential here as I associate blooming with flowers rather than foliage, so I ignored it!

So those are my treasures, found all over the world and just around the corner. And here for the record is Tina’s complete list:
- A pet or pets (yours or someone else’s)
- The moon or the sun (extra credit for both in one image)
- Clouds (extra credit if you also include rain or snow)
- A reflection
- A child (extra credit if with other family members)
- An umbrella (extra credit if you include a person using it)
- A truck (extra credit if you include the driver or what the truck is hauling)
- Autumn foliage (extra credit if it’s something that only blooms in the fall)
- Something fun you found on a walk
Looks like you had fun with that challenge, Sarah. I liked the familiar view near Lake Chelan. Also liked the pretty kitty.
Sarah Wilkie
It was really good fun, I’m hoping there will be more LAC treasure hunts in the future 😀 Of course Lake Chelan will be familiar to you, but it seemed to me that not many non-US tourists bothered to visit that area?
Gift N. T.
I enjoyed all your treasure and totally agree with your sentiments about traveling and our heightened observation skills, as well as some treasure being not too far away. Your photo of the signs is definitely fun and the Hoi An reflection stunning.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much, I’m glad you liked these 🙂 Hoi An is beautiful by day or night!
You have definitely succeeded in this post – how do you do it 😁? Hard to choose a favourite here – I like the next one as much as I liked the previous one! But let me have another look … ok, the early morning low clouds in Laos is stunning!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you 😊 How do I do it? I scratch my head, mull over the options and trawl through my memory and my photo files until something leaps up at me as fitting the challenge 😆 Sometimes I find them straightaway, sometimes it takes longer, but with a bit of creative thinking I can usually find something to suit most challenge themes! Glad you liked that particular shot. It was taken on a morning after I’d had a rough night (holiday tummy troubles!) but I was just starting to feel better and the combination of this view and the crisp morning air really helped to give me a lift!
A wonderful trip. Thank you.
Sarah Wilkie
Glad you liked it 🙂
Reflections of an Untidy Mind
Definitely extra points, Sarah. I really liked your photo map. My favourite is the leaf and the little girl. I love the expression on her face.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you so much 😊 I had fun creating that map on Canva! And I loved that girl’s expression too – she seems to be trying to ensure that her toys get as good a view of the concert as she has!
Reflections of an Untidy Mind
I must check out Canva, Sarah.
Love them all, Sarah, well chosen. My favourite has to be the moon…breathtakingly beautiful!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Ann-Christine 🙂 The moon is the clear winner here, it seems!
Alli Templeton
Thanks for making me smile with these, Sarah, something I could do with at the moment – submerged as I am in packing materials and paperwork from solicitors! I adore that moon over Lake Chelan, and I defy anyone not to love that cat picture! Great stuff. 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Alli, I’m glad I provided some distraction from the traumas of moving! When do you go?
That moon image is definitely the overall favourite here but I’m happy you liked the cat too as I think he’s gorgeous! But then I’m a cat lover – maybe my other commenters favour dogs 😆
Alli Templeton
As a fellow cat lover and proud owner of two moggie rascals, I think that cat shot is a classic, especially as it blocks out its owner and allows it to take centre stage – wonderful!
We’re moving out on 19th, but having to go into storage and stay with my mum for a week until we can get over to North Wales. Dates for that uncertain at present but hopefully w/c 24th October. I’m hoping to get one more post out during the crazy rush before having to take a break from blogging while the move completes and the dust settles. Thanks for asking, and wish us luck! 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, indeed, good luck with it all 🤞
Alli Templeton
Thanks Sarah. 👍🙂
What a great collection of treasures of all kinds 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you again 😀
Beautiful images Sarah. Always so clear and well composed. The moon over the mountain is sublime.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Paul 😊 That moon shot is proving to be a favourite with a lot of people. I was lucky that it was in such a great position as we rode the ferry up the lake!
100 Country Trek
These are wonderful images . But Laos caught my attention.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you 😊 Laos is such a beautiful country!
Great selections, Sarah! Enjoyed your hunting for photographic treasure! That river reflection image is beautiful. The moon over Lake Chelan, breathtaking…
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Amy – I had lots of fun ‘hunting’ for these and I’m hoping we may have similar themes occasionally in the future, it’s a great idea for a challenge!
Great Treasure Hunt finds!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you, glad you liked them 🙂
As ever you’ve risen to this challenge/ No favourites – like them all!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Margaret, feedback is always welcome whether general or specific!
I. J. Khanewala
Great set. That photo of the bicycle rider with an umbrella is a real treasure
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you – a lucky spot as we were enjoying a drink in the shelter of a pavement bar terrace!
Great selections, great quality. The first two are faves. Love that moon shot.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you John, glad you liked them. The moon shot was taken from one of the ferries that take you up the lake – it was good timing for us that the moon was in such a great position relative to the mountains 🙂
Mike and Kellye Hefner
You had a nice selection of shots, Sarah! Love the clouds picture!!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you – the landscape and light in that part of Laos is magical!
Aletta - nowathome
A stunning post Sarah!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Aletta 😊
Wonderful gallery Sarah, especially the moon! I have a similar Hoi An photo. I should have put the list up as well
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Alison, glad you liked my choices 🙂
Tina Schell
LOL, I think the person riding the bike is the one who deserves extra credit Sarah! But seriously I expected nothing but the best from you and was not disappointed! Superb, loved all of your choices. I agree wholeheartedly that we tend to be much more observational when we travel and also always have our cameras by our side. I’ve tried to be a bit more aware since covid has curtailed our travels but we hit the road again in November for which I am so very happy! Of these, the little girl with her toys is priceless and the umbrella on the bike as well. Terrific post.-here’s to adventures both near and far!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Tina – and again, thanks for hosting such a fun challenge 🙂 I agree about the guy on the bike, it must make cycling hard when you have to balance the umbrella too! I’m glad to hear you’re hitting the road again and will look forward to reading/seeing all about it!
Wonderful treasure hunt Sarah! Absolutely loved your selection! And yes, in my opinion you absolutely deserve double credits because the person using the umbrella is riding a bike.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Simone 😊 I hope Tina, who set the challenge, agrees with you about the umbrella shot!
Annie Berger
Just now getting to all your October posts, Sarah. I, too, was intrigued by the wobbly-looking bicycle rider in Lucca holding on to the umbrella!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you for checking back to this post Annie – glad you liked that shot, it was a lucky grab while sitting 8n a nearby bar!