Old map of the world with modern photos superimposed
Lens-Artists,  Themed galleries

Gallery: hunting for photographic treasure

Every treasure is guarded by dragons. That’s how you can tell it’s valuable.

Saul Bellow, ‘Herzog’

Not so photographic treasures however. No dragon guards them; they are there for anyone with an eye to see them. After all, isn’t every outing with a camera a kind of treasure hunt? Looking all around you as you walk/drive/ride for any opportunity to take a photo, just as a treasure hunter is alert to any sign that what they seek lies just underfoot.

For this week’s Lens Artists challenge Tina has asked us to go on a treasure hunt. It seemed to me that there could be two interpretations of such a challenge. Should I venture forth with my camera in a true hunt for these treasures? Or instead search among my archives to find images to match her list? As I’ve been away for most of last week I’ve opted for the latter approach. And in my hunt for treasures for this challenge I’ve tried to find some photos that I’ve not shared previously.

Of course it is when I travel that I am most aware of the many photo opportunities that surround me. Most of these shots were taken on various trips, hence the treasure map in my cover image. But a few were found closer to home, proving the point that there is treasure to be found everywhere if only we have eyes to see it.


(extra credit if you also include rain or snow)

Mountain above a river partly covered in cloud

Early morning low clouds over mountains near Nong Khiaw in Laos

~ no rain or snow here and soon the clouds too will be gone, burned off by a hot sun

The moon or the sun

(extra credit for both in one image)

Mountains with half moon above

The moon over Lake Chelan in Washington State

~ while the sun isn’t visible in my photo, the shadows on the mountainside are clues to its presence


(extra credit if you include the driver or what the truck is hauling)

Colourful truck parked under a tree

Truck at a roadside stop in Rajasthan

~ unfortunately the driver must be inside the simple restaurant behind the truck, and its contents are draped in a tarpaulin


Yellow lights and red lanterns reflected in water

The lights of Hoi An, Vietnam, reflected in the Thu Bon River


Fluffy white cat held up by a young woman

Also in Hoi An, a proud owner introduced us to her cat which she was taking for a walk on a lead

A child

(extra credit if with other family members)

Small girl on a balcony with soft toys

A young girl watching an open air concert from a balcony in Plovdiv, Bulgaria

~ you’ll have to take my word for it that her mother was in the darkened room just behind!

An umbrella

(extra credit if you include a person using it)

A wet evening in Lucca, Italy

~ do I get extra extra credit because the person using it is riding a bike?!

Man on a bicycle with a blue umbrella

Something fun you found on a walk

Mock road signs arranged in a message

I spotted these signs by the High Level Bridge in Newcastle while walking down to the Quayside

~ be sure to read them aloud to enjoy the fun!

Autumn foliage

(extra credit if it’s something that only blooms in the fall)

Oak leaves in Walpole Park, Ealing, just five minutes’ walk from home

~ I confess I didn’t understand the credit potential here as I associate blooming with flowers rather than foliage, so I ignored it!

Orange oak leaves on a fallen trunk


So those are my treasures, found all over the world and just around the corner. And here for the record is Tina’s complete list:

  • A pet or pets (yours or someone else’s)
  • The moon or the sun (extra credit for both in one image)
  • Clouds (extra credit if you also include rain or snow)
  • A reflection
  • A child (extra credit if with other family members)
  • An umbrella (extra credit if you include a person using it)
  • A truck (extra credit if you include the driver or what the truck is hauling)
  • Autumn foliage (extra credit if it’s something that only blooms in the fall)
  • Something fun you found on a walk


Do share your thoughts, I'd love to hear from you! And please include your name in case WP marks you 'anonymous' - thank you