If all the beasts were gone, men would die from a great loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beasts also happens to the man. All things are connected.
Chief Seattle of the Suquamish Tribe
I first encountered Chief Seattle on our visit to the city named after him. The name is of course an Anglicisation of his tribal name, Sealth or Si’ahl. He is known for a speech he is popularly supposed to have made emphasising the importance of the environment and man’s connection to it. So he may or may not have said the above lines, but they are nevertheless an appropriate way to introduce yet another gallery of my favourite animal photos!

Taking a peek
Playing peek-a-boo
Sneak peek
No peeking!

Looking back I see that I have already in the past, several times, shared photos of animals’ eyes. There was Denzil’s recent Nature photo challenge and last year a Lens Artists challenge set by Tina. I hate to duplicate but I believe I’ve managed to dig out some new, and some not-yet-shared, images for Terri’s Sunday Stills theme this week, Peek. I do know, however, that a few duplicates from other past posts have found their way in, as they were too appropriate not to include. Perhaps I just have to hope that some of you, at least, won’t have peeked at them previously!
My feature photo is of a cat peeking out of a cellar in the Latgale district of Riga in Latvia.

Dog at a craft stall in La Candelaria, Bogota
[actually there are two dogs but only one is peeking out!]

Red-billed Leiothrix at Jersey Zoo
[this bird is also known, appropriately, as a Pekin Robin]

Baby swallows peeking out of their nest in Stokesay Castle, Shropshire, England

Alligator at the Cano Negra reserve, Costa Rica

Tarantula in its burrow at night, Monteverde, Costa Rica

Sloth in a tree near Arenal, Costa Rica
[I know this one is a duplicate but I thought it would be fun to revisit him after seeing a sloth more recently in Colombia]

Langur monkey in a tree in our hotel grounds in Kumily, Kerala

Patas monkey behind a termite nest at Fathala in Senegal

Lion cub with mum in Chobe National Park, Botswana
[another known duplicate but I find him too cute not to include once more!]

Seal cub with his mother on North Seymour Island in the Galápagos
[sorry, another duplicate I couldn’t resist including!]

New-born Nasca Booby chick, Genovesa Island, Galápagos
[a still from a video so not great quality I’m afraid]

Young fawn in Paradise, Mount Rainier, WA

Chipmunk snacking on leaves near Yakima in Washington State
Wildlife Caught On Camera
Beautiful photos 😊
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you 😀
I liked the little songbird peeking between the leaves and the chipmunk near a huckleberry bush, Sarah. So cute!
Sarah Wilkie
Ah, is that a huckleberry bush? I didn’t know – we don’t get them here. Glad you enjoyed them 🙂
I like all of your peeking photos … but would prefer not to have a crocodile or tarantula peeking at me! Love the lion and seal cubs (yes I know, baby animals are way too cute)!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you 😊 I think most people would find those babies very irresistible, but the crocs and tarantula are fascinating in their own ways too!
Oh. My. Goodness.
Such spectacular captures – all those adorable faces! How about that sloth? I love sloths, but have never actually seen one in person.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Ju-Lyn 🙂 We were thrilled to see a number of sloths on a guided walk that afternoon. Then to our amazement we also saw one in a city park in Cartagena this year, without any pre-planning or guiding!
Serendipity is wonderful. I am all for planning – but that sometimes can lead to disappointment! So a happy mix of both is most welcome!
Kirstin Troyer
Oh my goodness…those are all wonderful. catching up with Terri’s Sunday stills posts from last week…going through the comments since she can’t share everyones links.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much for hunting this out and commenting Kirstin 🙂
Anabel @ The Glasgow Gallivanter
That gorgeous little cat is my favourite, though possibly the least exotic!
Sarah Wilkie
It’s hard to resist a sweet looking cat 🙂
These were great fun, brought smiles! And that booby chick – how unusual!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Ruth 😀 We were lucky with our timing for that baby chick, he had just emerged. If you look carefully you can see another egg still waiting to hatch.
I cannot pick a favorite. They’re all amazing. ❤️😊
Sarah Wilkie
Aw, thank you Rose 😊
I noticed first that the cat has a clipped ear. Interesting that they are doing that in Latvia too.
Sarah Wilkie
I think the cat was probably a stray and it may be that the ear was hurt in a fight rather than deliberately clipped – you can see some damage to the other ear too, poor thing.
Love the cat photo.so intense.others are nice too
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Tanja 🙂
These are adorable, Sarah! Hard to pick a favorite! But I do love the New-born Nasca Booby chick ❤️ (and the kitty at the top)
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Lisa 😊 I rather regretted afterwards that I was so busy videoing the Nasca Boobies at that point that I forgot to take any stills of the baby, so this frame is the best image I have!
Sometimes we just have to be grateful for what we have, I guess! And it’s a cutie!
Marilyn Armstrong
Those baby birds are a special favorite. I have a lot of birds and squirrels watching me as I’m watching them — and of course, our dog. But you’ve gotten some very special pictures and I’m deeply envious! They are superb.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you so much Marilyn 😊 Your own bird photos are always really lovely, so I especially appreciate the compliment from you 🙂
Monkey's Tale
So adorable, I think my favourite is the baby seal. Maggie
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Maggie 🙂 It was amazing how close we could get to those seals (and all the wildlife) in the Galápagos!
Monkey's Tale
I know! We have a similar picture of a baby seal in the sand. They’re adorable, if not smelly 😊
Sarah Wilkie
Oh but the smell was nothing like as bad as the penguins in Antarctica!
Mike and Kellye Hefner
What a great collection, Sarah! How could anyone tire of seeing animals? I loved all of them.
Sarah Wilkie
So glad you enjoyed them Kellye 😀
Brad M
You have to wonder who is really watching who?
Sarah Wilkie
Ha yes, that’s a good point – a bit of both I suspect!
Amazing gallery, Sarah! Fun to see various peeking at animals…
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Amy, so glad you enjoyed it!
I love the peeking out pictures! I can’t decide which is my favorite- the gentle sloth, the lion cub, or the swallows calling out for dinner 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much 😊 The lion cub is one of my own favourites, I confess – one of a load of shots I took while watching him and his brothers/sisters and mother while in Chobe a few years ago.
Aletta - nowathome
Your photos are stunning Sarah. Such a lovely selection!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you so much Aletta, I’m very pleased you liked them 😊
Anne Sandler
No problem with duplicates Sarah. We all need to see joy again and smile.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Anne – as I said to Terri, I do try not to post the same photo too often but sometimes they fit too well not to include them again 😀
Now there’s a collection which made us both smile all the way through!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much, I’m glad you both enjoyed them 😀
So many laughs and smiles Sarah 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Brian, I’m pleased to have got you smiling 🙂
Yvonne Dumsday
Wonderful selection Sarah. Thanks for posting.
Terri Webster Schrandt
Like Anne said, no problem sharing duplicates, I do it a lot depending on my theme, plus I enjoy seeing others’ images again. I loved the baby seal and booby peeking out from mamas’ watchful eyes! Have a great week!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you too Terri 🙂 I do try not to post the same photo too often but sometimes they fit too well not to include them!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Yvonne, I’m pleased you enjoyed them 🙂