Black and white photo of man with rickshaw
CBWC,  India,  People,  Travel galleries

Gallery: people at work in Kerala and Rajasthan

If you enjoy candid photography there is no better country to visit, perhaps, than India. I have never been anywhere else where people are so comfortable to be photographed and that is its one downside, as they can be too eager to pose as soon as they see your camera. However, a posed photo can be as effective as a candid shot if you are photographing people within the setting of their workplace.

Everything is so colourful there that it seems perverse to turn your photos into black and white. But once I started to experiment for Cee’s People at Work CBWC theme, I discovered that these very different versions could be equally effective. I hope you enjoy them!

Black and white photo of two people sifting grain

In the market in Jodhpur, Rajasthan

Black and white photo of lady at a stall of bananas

Market stall in Khimsar, Rajasthan

Black and white photo of man in a simple shop

Shop-keeper in Kovalam, Kerala

Black and white photo of a man sewing

Tailor in Narlai, Rajasthan

Black and white photo of tailor

Tailor in Bundi, Rajasthan

Black and white photo of men hauling in fishing net on a beach

Hauling in the catch, Kovalam Beach, Kerala

Black and white photo of lady cleaning fish on a beach

Cleaning fish on the beach at Kovalam, Kerala

Black and white photo of lady with a broom

Sweeper at Amber Fort, Rajasthan

Black and white photo of young girl harvesting grain

Harvesting in the Rajasthan countryside

Black and white photo of lady washing clothes in a lake

Washing clothes in Udaipur, Rajasthan

Black and white photo of lady ironing with old-fashioned iron

Traditional ironing at the Dhobi Khana in Fort Cochi, Kerala

I visited Delhi and Rajasthan in 2015; and Kerala in 2017


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