Blue and white tile panel on a red wall
Colour,  Sunday Stills,  USA

Gallery: red, white AND blue

I have previously collated blue images from my archives, red ones, white ones. Even red, blue and yellow! But I’ve never, to my recollection, sought out shots with all three colours in! So that’s the task I set myself for this week’s Sunday Stills challenge. And while it’s easy to find blue with white or red with white, and not too tough to find red with blue, finding all three (other than on flags) isn’t easy!

So let’s start with a cop-out, some shots of the Stars and Stripes I’ve taken on our various visits to the US over the years. Hover over any of the shots to see a caption explaining where each was taken.

And I can’t omit our own flag, the Union Jack, although I have fewer shots of that. I guess it just isn’t exotic enough!

Here are a couple from Paris, referencing the French Tricoleur. The one on the left was taken on the Ile de la CitΓ©. On the right is one from Montmartre, (not Porto despite appearances!)

And now for the rest, a random assortment of red, white and blue combinations found on our travels and closer to home. My feature photo was taken in Faro, Portugal. Again you can hover over any of the shots to see the caption.


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