Huge sculpture of an angel with outstretched wings
Art,  Monochrome Madness,  Themed galleries

Gallery: seeing sculpture in black and white

Henry Moore

Our guest host for this week’s Monochrome Madness challenge, PR, has chosen the theme of Sculpture, bringing together the two media in a way that showcases those forms and shapes. It’s a subject I’m drawn to a lot, and I enjoy visiting sculpture parks such as our own UK one in Yorkshire and the excellent one in Hakone, Japan. I like both the sculptures themselves and the challenge of photographing them in a way that doesn’t merely record the work of the artist but also attempts to put my own stamp on it in some way. I’m also rather drawn to the Brutalist sculpture styles of past Communist regimes in Europe and today’s North Korea!

Shooting sculptures

Looking through my archives I realised that I often choose to edit photos of sculpture in monochrome. So while some of the shots below were edited specifically for this post, using my current go-to software of Silver Efex Pro, a few, mostly older, were either shot in black and white or post-edited with Photoshop Elements more limited conversion tool.

Some of these you will have perhaps seen before, either in colour or in monochrome as here. But I’ve tried to include some that will be new to you. I apologise that there are so many; do feel free to skim. I assure you, I could have filled a post three times this length and more. So I’ve actually been quite restrained!

Three abstract sculptures on a plinth in a field

‘Three Piece Reclining Figure No.1’ by Henry Moore, photographed at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Large metal foot in a field

Anthony Gormley’s ‘Angel of the North’, Gateshead, north east England

Sculpture of a human figure

Modern marble sculpture of a baby

Large face sculpted from metal on a city street

Tall sculpture of a couple embracing under an arched metal and glass roof

Sculpture of a woman's head with hair streaming behind her

Bust of a man on a plinth with a tiny laughing elf

Sculpture of a mother and two children

Large sculpture of a seated man with head resting on his hand

Metal sculpture of a man's face

Sculpture of a man and woman kissing

Classical statue of Mercury

Sculpture of a soldier holding a small child

Group of sculpted figures including adults and children

Sculpture of two men and a woman holding symbols above their heads

Sculpture of a man and a woman

Sculpture of a huge hand holding a man

Large sculpture of a female figure holding a branch with leaves

Looking up at a statue of a woman holding a book and torch

Bronze sculpture of a man laughing

Head and shoulders of a worn sculpture


Do share your thoughts, I'd love to hear from you! And please include your name in case WP marks you 'anonymous' - thank you