Door with wrought-iron grilles featuring small faces
Architecture,  Paris,  Squares,  Travel galleries

Gallery: seven Parisian doors (and other details)

Thomas Jefferson

On our most recent trip to Paris we experienced a real mix of weather. A wet day was followed by a dry and sunny one, and that followed by one with a mix of sun and showers. On the wet days in particular I tended to turn my camera towards such features, eliminating the dull skies and raindrops. On my return I realised that some at least would work well as squares for Beckyโ€™s #SevenforSeptember challenge. So here are seven of my favourites.

The bonus unsquared shot featured above is of a door in the Rue Notre-Dame de Lorette, in the Nouvelle Athรจnes district (9th arrondissement). It features the faces of Hรฉloรฏse and Abelard, the tragic Medieval lovers buried in the Pรจre Lachaise cemetery. Several other images below were taken in the same area of the city, a new one for us to explore. I’ll post a longer account of our walk there soon but I hope these will whet your appetite!

As there are several doors here I’m adding a link to Dan’s Thursday Doors challenge (one I haven’t done for quite a while it seems, despite liking to photograph doors!)

Small mosaic figure of a man with a bottle of wine and a street sign

In the Rue Mouffetard

These ‘pixel art’ mosaics can be spotted all over the city. They are the work of French artist ‘Invader’ and are inspired by video games from the 1970s and 1980s

Door detail, Rue Notre-Dame de Lorette (I loved the squirrel!)

Wrought iron grille with a squirrel among the decorative swirls
Ornate brass door knocker

Door of a house on the รŽle Saint-Louis, possibly my favourite part of the city

Detail of a door in the Rue de la Rochefoucauld

Ornate brass door knocker
Stone carving of a bird

Detail above a door in the Rue Notre-Dame de Lorette

Building detail in the Rue des Martyrs

Elegant woman's face carved in stone
Fierce-looking carved stone face

Detail underneath the Pont Neuf, the oldest bridge across the Seine

I last travelled to Paris in September 2024, when all these photos were taken.


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