… And three, and four, and five, and more.

The animals went in two by two, hurrah! hurrah!
The animals went in two by two, hurrah! hurrah!
The animals went in two by two,
The elephant and the kangaroo
And they all went into the ark,
For to get out of the rain.
Traditional nursery rhyme
I don’t have any kangaroos for you, but I can offer elephants and many more other animals for Terri’s Sunday Stills Numbers Game challenge.
The song counts up to ten (‘the last one in was the little red hen’). I managed to find them in gatherings of up to twelve but after that I lost count of the numbers in my bigger groups! Many were taken on our 2018 visit to Botswana; others longer ago in the Galápagos, Gambia and one in Chile.

One proud lion in Chobe National Park, Botswana

Two amorous puku by the Chobe River in Botswana

Three passing baboons in Chobe National Park, Botswana

Four watchful lions in Chobe National Park, Botswana

Five startled red lechwe in the Okavango Delta, Botswana

Six thirsty elephants by the Chobe river, Botswana

Seven somnolent sea lions on Española Island in the Galápagos

Eight feeding flamingos in the Salar de Atacama, Chile

Nine colourful fish spotted while snorkelling off Santiago Island in the Galápagos

Ten endemic marine iguanas on Espanola Island in the Galápagos

Eleven playful banded mongooses in Chobe National Park, Botswana

Twelve inquisitive baboons near Mandina Lodge in the Gambia

Many grazing zebra and sable in Chobe National Park, Botswana
Very many

Very many Red-billed Quelea at Cape Point near Bakau in the Gambia
Can you count them?
Alli Templeton
These just made my day! 😀 Outstanding animal photos, Sarah, particularly that stunning lion and the beautiful group of elephants. I should think that animals aren’t the easiest of subjects to photograph, but these are a wonderful window into their world. 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
And you’ve made my day Alli, with this lovely comment 😊 Actually it’s not that hard to get good photos on a safari! The guides are experts at getting you in the right places so as long as you’ve got a decent zoom and a bit of patience you should get some shots you’re happy with 🙂
Beautiful Sarah – I like ALL of them! The lions are always great to see, but here are no clear favourite between all of your lovely pics!
Sarah Wilkie
Aw, thank you – I really appreciate the compliment 😊
Annie Berger
Always love your introductory quotes to each post and this one was particularly cute, Sarah. Photos were great as always and now have added both Botswana locations to our travel wish list. Loved the ‘very many’ title couldn’t’ help but smile at that one!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Annie 🙂 I definitely recommend Botswana if you love wildlife and landscapes! It’s not exactly a cheap place to visit, especially if like us you’re not keen on camping, but it’s absolutely worth the splurge!
Wind Kisses
Awesome. Fun presentation that I know Terri loved too. I am glad it was you that ran across THAT many iguanas and not me. lol. great photos . I love the one of the lion looking at you. Donna
Sarah Wilkie
Oh, that number of iguanas is nothing! I have a photo of probably a hundred or more on a rock that I could have used for ‘very many’ but that one from Espanola was the only suitable ‘ten’ I could find 😆
Oh, the Places We See
Your photography is incredible. I could frame any one or all of these! My favorite, however, is the shot of the birds (last one). Can’t believe your angle and closeness or however you zoomed in — just wonderful.
Sarah Wilkie
That shot was taken with a zoom, as were most of these! We were sitting having drinks at a bar by the water there and I looked up to see all those birds in a nearby tree, so of course I had to take a few photos 🙂
Oh, the Places We See
Of course!
How fun! You have captured some amazing African wildlife.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Ruth – I love safaris and would do more if my husband enjoyed them as much as I do! Which is not to say he dislikes them, but he does find this sort of activity repetitive after a while.
Ah yes, travel, as much as other things, can be a negotiation between partners. My late husband wasn’t interested in overseas travel, having done a lot of that when he was younger in the navy. After he died, my son and I took off wandering!
Sarah Wilkie
I have friends who travel alone because their partner isn’t interested. Luckily for me it’s a passion I share with my husband, and we’ve learned to compromise on the decisions about destinations, prioritising the places we both want to see most of the time but allowing one or the other to pitch for a particular ‘must see’ place now and then!
Aletta - nowathome
Your photos are just amazing!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Aletta, I really appreciate the compliment 😊
Aletta - nowathome
You’re welcome
I love the concept of increasing the count in each image. Nice work!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you John, glad you enjoyed this!
Leela Gopinath
Wonderful pictures….62 birds….that’s my count Sarah!!
Sarah Wilkie
Wow, thanks for counting them Leela 😮 I gave up as I kept losing track! Although I do think there are more than that – I can see at least 69!
Susanne Swanson
Wow! Your photos are fabulous!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you very much Susanne, I really appreciate the compliment 😊
Beautiful photos
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Nora 😊
the eternal traveller
Great animal photos, Sarah. I’d be a bit worried if you had found kangaroos in any of these places. 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Oh dear yes! We did see some years ago in Australia but I don’t have any decent photos from that trip, just a few poorly scanned slides 🙁
You had me at “animals!”
Sarah Wilkie
I’m always happy to share animal photos Tracey, so glad you enjoyed them 🙂
I smiled all the way through Sarah. Fabulous concept well executed 🙂 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Happy to have made you smile Brian 🙂
Clever and so well done!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Janet 😀
Monkey's Tale
Great pictures! Love them all! Maggie
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Maggie, glad you liked them 🙂
Your wonderful photos are a great response to the challenge, Sarah. I love the variety. Three, though, seems more like 2.1. 😄🤣
Sarah Wilkie
Haha yes, the third one is a bit tiny 😂
Wow, a veritable zoo! I especially liked the lechwe. They remind me of out local pronghorn.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Siobhan. The lechwe are interesting – they have much longer back legs than fore, which helps them run fast through the shallow waters of the delta to escape predators.
Some incredible pictures of the animals. I especially love the elephants 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you, always great to hear from another elephant admirer 🐘
I’ve not been able to log into your account last couple of times I tried, but it’s been no bother today! Anyway I love these photo’s! I also love how you get the adjectives to introduce the animals to us so spot on! I really enjoyed reading those intros over and over!
Sarah Wilkie
I’m glad you’ve managed to get it – I think you’ve used a different email account and/or log-in credentials? That means that I’m afraid I don’t know who you are, but I really appreciate the feedback and the effort you’ve gone to in order to leave it 🙂
Terri Webster Schrandt
Wow, Sarah, you and a couple of others went with the chronological count which is so awesome! Your huge variety of travels yielded countless (smile) images. I love all the elephants, the lions, and that nursery rhyme…as I opened your post I was already humming along! Thank you for sharing these spectacular animals two by two and more!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Terri 😀 The elephants and lions are my own favourites – I probably could have done this to a large extent just with elephant photos!
I agree with Terri, wow. Your photos are so beautiful.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Rose 😊😊
Just … marvellous!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Margaret 😊
Mike and Kellye Hefner
Lovely post! The animals are all so beautiful.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you – glad you liked them 🙂