There are times on every road trip when you have to focus on exactly that, the road. Days when it is more important to cover the miles and get from A to B, stretches when major sights are few and far between. But even on these days it’s good to stop from time to time and take a breather. And if you are lucky you will be surprised by something you see when you stop.
We had such a day on our California road trip, travelling from Sequoia National Park to Ridgecrest, a gateway town for Death Valley. There were no significant sights on our route, but we stopped from time to time for various reasons. The first time was to fill up with petrol in Terra Bella, which despite the name was a nondescript town surrounded by agricultural facilities such as the grain silos below. But there was a friendly attendant at the gas station who told us he was from Yemen and was keen to chat about London.
We met another friendly immigrant in a tiny place called Woody, where we stopped as I needed a loo! I was welcomed to use one in the small, local store run by another friendly immigrant, this time a lady from Lebanon. She told us she had come to the US to escape the previous war and that she was originally a city dweller, unused to this rural setting. We didn’t get the chance to ask her how she ended up in Woody however.

I mention those two encounters deliberately. At a time when immigrants are getting a bad press from some quarters (to put it mildly), I want to showcase these two individuals, both working hard and making a life for themselves in the US in jobs that help keep the country running smoothly. I’m sure the old guy we met outside the general store was grateful to be able to do his shopping locally, and many travellers will be as pleased as we were to find a gas station on our long drive.
The Mini Village of Onyx

But the main point of this post is to share a later stop on our journey. Chris, who did all our driving, asked me (doing all of the navigating!) if there was anywhere interesting nearby as he felt the need of a break. With nothing planned for that stretch of road, and certain there were no famous sights, I nevertheless peered at Google maps and spotted an intriguing label, Mini Village, in a small community called Onyx, not far from Lake Isabella.
The map led us a few blocks off the main road into an area of small single-storey houses, each with its own garden. Stopping where it indicated I looked around for some sort of sign that we were in the right place. Then we spotted it, a mini village indeed!

This isn’t an established tourist attraction in the usual sense but a large collection of model houses, shops etc., created by one man beside the road opposite his house. We both enjoy seeing these quirky sights
We took lots of photos here and I was going to make a donation, as a sign suggested, in the box outside his home. But when I saw another sign on that home, ‘We don’t call 911’ complete with an image of a gun, I cooled towards him rather!
Given that the donation is optional I think these creations definitely qualify as public art for Natalie’s challenge. Do click on any of them to see the images larger and enjoy all the clever details!

I visited Onyx in October 2024
What an interesting roadside attraction!
Sarah Wilkie
Indeed – we love finding quirky stuff like this!
Annie Berger
Glad you happened on the Mini Village to break up the trip. I’d also have given the donation box a pass after seeing the 911 sign. Not impressed!
Sarah Wilkie
Exactly right Annie 🙂 It was fun to see and photograph the village but I wasn’t about to finance a guy like that!
Yvonne Dumsday
Wow! I can comment- if I use my ‘phone – but not on my computer. 🤔 That accidental discovery of Onyx was amazing and, I am sure, will be a take you will remember for a long time to come.
Sarah Wilkie
Oh that’s great, I’m pleased you’ve found a solution. WordPress can be hard to fathom sometimes 😃
I LOVE this! 😍
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it Tiffany 🙂
Thank you for introducing this mini village, Sarah! I haven’t heard of it before. The gun sign… (?)
Sarah Wilkie
I doubt anyone would have heard of it unless they had passed this way, it’s not really near anywhere else! But yes, the gun sign … 🙁
I’m not quite sure what to make of that gun sign, does it mean that instead of calling the police the owner will take matters into his own hand? A shame because the little village is rather clever, but I suspect you didn’t hang around too long.
Sarah Wilkie
That’s exactly how we interpreted the gun sign, and later in the trip we saw similar ones for sale in Las Vegas, like ‘Home protected by God and a gun, you’re about to meet both’, and ‘If my dog doesn’t get you my .45 will’ 😕
One of the downsides of the US, their love of guns. Have you ever been to texas?
Sarah Wilkie
No – that’s one of many states we’re yet to visit!
Quite frightening I believe (I haven’t been but the OH has) as Texas allows open carry in many public spaces including walking down the street.
Sarah Wilkie
So beautiful this mini village!
Sarah Wilkie
It’s fun and clever, isn’t it?!
Well, it’s clever. But like you, I would have ‘passed by on the other side’ when reaching the donation point. Your story of the immigrants is far more heart-warming.
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, I felt we saw two sides of the US in the space of a few hours that morning, and indeed two sides of California. I’ve always thought of it as a liberal state and on the coast it mainly is, but in the rural inland areas we saw signs of more diverse political views – including in one town, posters supporting Trump and Harris in neighbouring properties! I wondered how, if at all, the occupants got on with each other.
Oh, that must make for ‘interesting’ community relations!
Your opening paragraphs had me smiling, to know that people from other countries are living here, working, and being good community members. Hopefully they can safely continue on as they are, and not get ‘accidentally’ deported to some place of unimaginable horror. The gun sign is definitely a deterrent to any communication, which is too bad, I really would’ve liked to know about the creator of the mini village.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Rose 🙂 Yes, I hope people like those we met are allowed to continue to live their lives in the US. I’ve not come across any information about the creator of that village but I can’t say I warmed to him after seeing that sign!
Anabel @ The Glasgow Gallivanter
I wondered as I read if you were making the point you were indeed making about immigration, and then came to the gun sign. Two very wrong things about America encapsulated right there IMO. I did like the little village though, especially the nuns and Nookies Cat House, nudge nudge say no more. And Mr Chang (bit of a racial stereotype) seems to have hooked up with Peter Rabbit’s mum!
Sarah Wilkie
The village shows a lot of imagination and seemed a bit at odds to me with that rather threatening sign! It was refreshing to meet the two people earlier, out in the middle of rural California and seemingly happy with their lot. Mind you, most (not all) of California is more tolerant than many other states, and this WAS before the election.
I guess if you live in the middle of nowhere you have to pass the time somehow. Unless you-re out doing target practise!
Sarah Wilkie
Haha yes, very good point!
Monkey's Tale
I was having the same thoughts as I read your opening paragraph. The cute art seems at odds with the gun sign. Maggie
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, I was surprised to see the sign having admired the care that had gone into all the little details here 🙂
What a great find on your road trip! I really love the whole concept of this model town and all the details they put in to the buildings 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Meg 🙂 I loved it too – I just wish I could have warmed to its creator too!
Anne Sandler
What a find Sarah! I might check it out if I can get hubby to do a road trip with the trailer. Thanks for sharing. As for the gun sign, there’s going to be plenty of that now with our current president.
Sarah Wilkie
Glad you like it Anne 🙂 I wouldn’t make a special trip but if you’re passing this way it’s worth a stop for sure!
Quite creative work but the guns signs are scary. It would have been much better if the Mini Village had promoted peace. Thank you for your public art share.
Sarah Wilkie
I totally agree, and he would have got a generous donation from us had that been the case!
What a fun place to stop. I’m so glad you took many photos and are sharing them with us. 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Vicki 🙂 It was just the sort of fun stop we needed on that long drive!
Yep, no donation from me either 🙄
Sarah Wilkie
It was rather a shame as the work involved definitely merited one, but I refused to fund his gun-owning expenses!