It is better to be looked over than overlooked
Mae West
I don’t think Mae West was talking about photography, but her maxim can be applied. By ‘looking over’ the places we visit with our cameras, that is properly looking at and seeing them, we are less likely to ‘overlook’ a great photo opportunity.
That’s the challenge set for us this week by Janet, guest hosting the Lens Artists challenge. She says, and I totally agree, ‘As a photographer, I love showing the viewers something they’ve missed’. I’m happy when people react with surprise, tell me they would never have spotted that or, if spotted, thought to photograph it. My recent post on Keeping it Simple got such a reaction from Anita, and I was thrilled: ‘Now I don’t want to sit here in front of the computer anymore. I want to take my camera and photograph things that I might not have thought to photograph.‘ Isn’t that a wonderful response?!
I have a feeling that I’ve used this quote before but it’s too perfect for this theme not to repeat it:
To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.
Elliott Erwitt
Enough theorising, let’s see what often overlooked things I can find. But first, one more quote I consider apposite, remembered from my long-ago Shakespeare studies:
My father named me Autolycus; who being, I as am, littered under Mercury, was likewise a snapper-up of unconsidered trifles.
The Winter’s Tale, Act 4, Scene 2
So here are some unconsidered trifles that I have snapped-up!

Roof, Tynemouth
I must have passed this roof in Tynemouth dozens of times but it was only when the winter sun caught its ridges just so that I really noticed it.

Sunset, Newcastle upon Tyne
If you’re photographing a sunset in a city, don’t neglect to look behind you. There could be a great reflection shot that you might otherwise overlook.

Cathedral of Saint Joseph, Sofia
Stained glass windows are beautiful of course, but don’t overlook the wonderful colours they cast on to nearby surfaces too.

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Sofia
Meanwhile in the same city’s Orthodox cathedral, a single medallion hanging from a chandelier caught my eye. It speaks as much of the faith of the people who worship as do the ornate icons covering the walls.

Table mat, Leipzig
A table mat at a café where we stopped for coffee in Leipzig caught my eye and made a colourful abstract. I don’t think this shot would be half as effective if I’d included the whole mat, do you?

Confetti, Leipzig
Also in Leipzig I spotted confetti peppering the ground outside the Neues Rathaus (New Town Hall), a legacy of a recent wedding. Never neglect what’s at your feet!

On the Rue de la Seine, Paris
The presence of people can turn an ordinary shot into an extraordinary one. If you really look carefully you’re more likely to spot these serendipitous moments.
A window in Shrewsbury
Keep your eyes open as you walk along even the most ordinary of streets. Here a window in Shrewsbury is brightened by the presence of this little bear.

String tie, Reykjavik
In a café in Reykjavik some little fabric angels were tied to pillars with string. I photographed the angels of course, but found the knotted string just as interesting!

Rope at the beach, Sal, Cape Verde
Contrasting textures of rope and sand caught my eye in Sal, Cape Verde, on a dull day when photo opps seemed initially quite thin on the ground. But not when I started to look more carefully!

Kyoto Garden, Holland Park, London
One day in the Kyoto Garden in London’s Holland Park I noticed bubbles on the pond caused by the movement from the small waterfall. Easily overlooked when the flowers and peacocks here are such a draw, but what a great opportunity for an unusual self-portrait!

Near Siem Reap, Cambodia
A roadside restaurant we stopped in south of Siem Reap had suspended bags of coloured water from the trees in an effort to deter insects. When I could tear my eyes from the pretty views I found these bags, and the inverted images they held, equally worthy of some shots.

Bald eagle feathers
When taking photos, don’t overlook the details. Photographing a bald eagle at a sanctuary here in the UK, I realised that a close-up of the beautiful feathers could make for an intriguing shot.

Iron-rich spring, Snaefellsnes Peninsula, Iceland
The landscape maybe stunning but don’t forget to look down. A natural spring of iron-rich water has stained this pool on Iceland’s Snaefellsnes Peninsula bright orange.

Empty Quarter, Oman
The dried mud in a wash in Oman’s Empty Quarter had cracked into a mosaic of squares, like crazy paving but completely natural. A few brave plants were trying to grow through the cracks, adding interest to the shot.
A Star on the Forehead
Such wonderful pictures!! You definitely have an eye for detail!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you
No, we all can’t find brilliant ‘overlooked’ scenes – you have an exceptional eye! But we can try and following your example and I shall keep my eyes peeled now when I’m out – and when I have my camera to hand. Thanks for a brilliant lesson in seeing.
Sarah Wilkie
Aw, thank you
It really is mostly a matter of practice – the more you look, and photograph, the more you see!
Wow, so many examples, and very special ones, Sarah – how to choose? But I do have an eye for the eye in Kyoto Garden – marvelous. I love it when you get up close.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Ann-Christine
I also love it when you get up close!
Love that shot in Kyoto Gardens. An ordinary person would not think anything about this … but not you Sarah!
Sarah Wilkie
Both my husband and I had great fun photographing those bubbles that day!
Great selection of photos. I love the bear in the window
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Nora
He’s cute, isn’t he?!
You have a wonderful, keen eye.

(And I know that café near Rue de Buci. Walked by countless times. Or had a drink)
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you
We have an apartment booked for our next Paris visit just around the corner from that café – we must pop in!
You do? when will you be there? I’m trying to find a place for September… Not much luck so far. Could you share the link? (If you like you can use my mail. It should be on my Gravatar.) Or here:
Sarah Wilkie
I’ve emailed you with the details, but time is tight for September!
Thanks very much. I know it’s tight, but “il faut vivre dangereusement.” (How’s your French?)
Sarah Wilkie
Good enough for that!
(Is French still the main foreign language one learns at school in the UK, or not’ny more?)
Sarah Wilkie
I believe so but I have a feeling there are more options (e.g. Mandarin!) and fewer pupils study French for as long as I did, from age seven to eighteen. That’s why mine has stuck, to some extent – that, and fairly regular visits to Paris!
I can understand Mandarin on the rise. (I did learn a few words of Hokkien, a Straights Chinese dialect”. Fun)
As for French, keep practicing across the Channel.
Bon séjour à Paris chère amie.
Leela Gopinath
All the pictures are good….but my personal favourite is the coloured water in the plastic pouch. What are those shadows in it?
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Leela
What you see in the pouch is a refracted view of the surroundings – a thatched roof over the area where we sat, some trees and I think part of a building too.
beautiful moments captured by slowing down and really seeing what is around you
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you
Yes, slowing down definitely helps, and several of these shots were spotted while taking a break at a cafe, for instance!
But the thing is Sarah, they weren’t overlooked. You saw them, saw the ‘differrence’ there, and photographed them. I have seen a lot of things like that but never thought to photograph them, a prime example being the coloured water hanging up in Cambodia. Where is it not in S.E. Asia, yet I never gave it a second look. I’m not sure either that this can be taught, you’ve either got it or you ain’t,, and you’ve got it – as the saying goes.
Sarah Wilkie
Aw, thank you Mari
I do believe this is something you can train yourself to see over time. During lockdowns I used to challenge myself to find something interesting to photograph with the one mile radius of home and when I got bored with flower photos I started on tree bark, peeling paint, unusual door furniture etc. It’s a fun exercise and good practice for when you’re further afield too!
Jane Lurie
Excellent detail shots, Sarah. Great examples of truly “seeing”.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Jane, I’m happy you liked them
Excellent selections, Sarah! These overlooked items are special and beautifully captured. The sunset scene is stunning.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Amy, I’m really glad you liked them
Mike and Kellye Hefner
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Sarah for teaching me how to look at things differently in order make better photos. I love the shots you included in this post so much that I can’t even pick a favorite. Your tips are so appreciated, and I can’t wait to put them to use.
Sarah Wilkie
And thank you Kellye, for such a lovely comment
I look forward to seeing what you spot to photograph in the future!
Aletta - nowathome
The Iron-rich spring, Snaefellsnes Peninsula, Iceland is fascinating Sarah! You really have an amazing set of photos here!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Aletta
Love the sunset photo in Newcastle – what a great shot!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much – it was a special sunset that day but we often see good ones there
A fabulous set, Sarah! So well observed and photographed. You have a wonderful eye for colors, patterns in unlikely places. Your candid shot in Paris has me coming back again and again for another look.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Patti, I really appreciate your feedback
Like most street shots that one in Paris was largely luck, especially in the gesture of the woman facing the camera!
Yes…luck and timing and having the creative eye to see it!
Just scanning the preceding comments might leave me with nothing left to say but I’ll say something anyway because your examples are exactly what I had in mind with this challenge. The little bear, the rope knot, and the reflection in the bubble some immediately to my mind but any of these glorious examples could garner praise. The quotes were also on-point. “Unconsidered trifles” would have been a perfect alternative title for the challenge. I think the real theme of what both you and I have said and showed is that people, whether photographers or not, should always look around and not just at the obvious things because there are all sorts of unconsidered trifles that are too often overlooked and that hold so much beauty to enhance our lives.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you so much Janet
I loved this challenge theme, as I’m sure you can tell! That quote came to mind as I started to sort through possible images so I had to include it and yes, it could have made an alternative title, but yours worked just as well. Look at how many great responses it has produced!
Great selections, unusual perspectives. Outstanding.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much John
Anne Sandler
What a treasure of images that you noticed and didn’t overlook. I enjoyed them all. I like the way you pay attention to the little things that surround you.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Anne
Sometimes I wonder if there were other treasures along the way that I DID overlook! I will never know …
Tina Schell
Terrific choices Sarah. For me the favorites are the little bear and the heart. I agree with your comments that images are everywhere if we are truly seeing what’s around us. I also loved Donna’s quote picturing you as a child
. Somehow I suspect she got it right!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Tina
So glad you liked the little bear in particular! And do see my reply to Donna 
Wind Kisses
I think if I pictured you as a little kid, it would be with a wagon pulled behind you as you collected unusual items and curious items. You would would also enjoy chatting with passerby’s. Ok that’s my story, Lol. But your photography speaks to a natural ability to be curious and find beauty anywhere you look. Loved your gallery. Even the table mat was a special find. And yes, just a part makes the photo more effective. Love the selfie, and the brilliant colors of the Iceland spring. Always a pleasure.
Sarah Wilkie
Haha, I’m not sure that was me, although I did tend to pick up stones, shells etc. I think it’s having a camera in my hand so much of the time that makes me look for photo opps where others might not see them. I have a drive to document everything, especially when we travel
Wind Kisses
And you do that well.
I’ll just allow the positive comments of others to speak for me. A well- observed collection with a sense of humour too.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Margaret – I’m glad you enjoyed them and found the humour in some too
Yvonne Dumsday
I never cease to be amazed by your attention to detail Sarah and enjoyed every single photograph this time but the sea-portrait in the bubble was truly amazing. Thankyou once again for teaching me what I am missing by beings unobservant. Must try to do better in future.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Yvonne
It really is just a case of being so interested in photography that nowadays I see pictures wherever I go! And your email this morning proves that sometimes you see them too 
Fabulous post full of brilliant examples of Overlooked! Yours has to be the most comprehensive post on this subject!
Sarah Wilkie
Aw, thank you Sue
I do tend to go to town a bit, but I reckon Janet’s original, among a number of others, is just as comprehensive and varied!
Even by your very high standards this is a fabulous collection, Sarah. Loving your eye for detail and, moreover, for unusual detail. It’s almost like you have a sixth sense, one which sees/senses something which most of us wouldn’t appreciate. Great stuff!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Phil
But I don’t think it’s a sixth sense really! Just years of seeing things through a camera lens and also getting inspired by the work of others!