Mexico City’s Museo Nacional de Antropologia has to be one of the most impressive museums I’ve visited, and also one to which I really failed to do justice! My excuse is that perennial traveller’s bugbear, jetlag, compounded by a twelve hour overnight flight without sleep.
There is only one solution to the challenge of jet lag in my opinion. Not a cure, but a way to minimise its impact. And that is, to ignore it as much as possible, adopt the time of your destination as soon as possible and stay active.
A circle is a symbol of unity, eternity, and harmony. When used in a photograph, circular elements give a sense of unity and evoke feelings of serenity and timelessness. An image with circles is usually a restful one.
What is a good word? Is it a word that has a positive impact, which I’m sure was Herbert’s definition of the phrase? Or is it simply a word we like, one that is pleasing for its meaning, its sound or both?
When you remove the colour from an image you see other aspects of your subject more clearly. Shape, form, texture all stand out more without the distraction of colour, and monochrome highlights the contrasts between them.
Every year on 3rd March World Wildlife Day celebrates the unique roles and contributions of wildlife to people and the planet. Initiated by the United Nations in 2013, the day invites all of us to remember how much we rely on the earth’s natural resources and have a responsibility to protect them.
Every trip, every journey, turns you into a slightly different person than you were before you left. The sights you saw, the experiences you had, the people you met; these are all part of you now.
For a few weeks during February and March each year blue whales, the world's largest mammals, visit the the Sea of Cortez off the eastern coast of the Baja California Sur peninsular. They come to calve, mate and feed on the krill that flourishes in its rich waters.
The Piedra de la Fertilidad (Stone of Fertility) is a rock shaped like a penis which unsurprisingly is something of a fertility symbol for the Raramuri people of the Copper Canyon region. They believe that a man who touches it will become more virile while a woman doing the same will become pregnant.
The tomb known as Tomb Seven is the most famous of many discovered at Monte Albán, as it contained the largest number of Mesoamerican objects found to date, both from the Zapotec culture and later Mixtecs.