Clouds can look beautiful, enhancing any photo of the sky. They can inspire us to see animals, palaces and more hidden in their shapes. And they can give us welcome shade on the hottest of days. But clouds also bring storms, rain and snow. They turn a summer picnic into a dash for shelter, and they hide a view you climbed a mountain to see.
When we think of Chinatowns we think of big cities: San Francisco, New York, London. I was surprised then to read that the historic Gold Rush town of Weaverville in Northern California was once home to approximately 2,000 Chinese gold miners and had its own Chinatown. Many of the town’s buildings from that era remain, including California's oldest active Chinese temple. That sounded like somewhere worth exploring!
I confess I’m not a fan of winter, it’s my least favourite season. Yes, I love Christmas: enjoying festive celebrations with family and friends, decorating the house, seeing the lights in London. And I can get pleasure from crisp sunny days, perfect for a walk whether in London or on a Northumberland beach. But I don’t like grey skies, and I especially don’t like the shorter days and longer nights.
It might surprise you to know that London can be a good place to spot wildlife! Tucked into a loop of the Thames in west London is a watery wonderland. The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust was founded in the 1940s by the naturalist Sir Peter Scott, to protect wetlands and save wetland species.
However much you plan a trip there will be some moments and places you didn’t expect. Places that weren’t on your itinerary but catch your eye, or simply provide a convenient pitstop. Places that delight you all the more because you expected little of them. Such serendipity is one of the joys of travelling. On our recent California trip, Eureka was such a place.
The Periodic Table tells us that our world is made up of 118 elements. But the elements of nature are different from chemical elements. They were used to simplify the complexity of nature and matter by ancient people.
I often go on a bit about the weather (I am British after all, and live up to that stereotype at least!) This month has been particularly ‘interesting’ in that respect. We reached pretty much the middle of the month without once seeing the sun, but also without any rain. All we had was gloom!
Language differences may make it challenging to communicate with the people we meet when travelling, even if we have made the effort to learn a few words. But music transcends spoken languages, and the enjoyment of music becomes a shared experience irrespective of our different native tongues and cultures. It’s the most universal of languages, speaking to all of us no matter from where we come
No, it isn’t possible to successfully photograph a redwood tree, nor to convey its impact; you have to experience it for yourself. Walking among these groves is unlike any other forest walk. More than by any other trees, we are dwarfed by them, and awed by a palpable sense of their great age. That age, that immense size, their sheer presence; only by being there can we feel those qualities.
When I travel of course I take plenty of photos of the ‘big’ things I see. The landscapes, the city sights, the famous buildings and monuments, the wildlife, interesting people … The list is, if not endless, at least pretty long. But I’m also on the lookout for quirky details. The sort of thing that would never make it into a guidebook and which I come across by chance.