Observing or meeting children when we travel I realise that, even more than adults, they have far more in common with each other regardless of where they live than they do any differences. They enjoy play, they seek friendship, they need acceptance and respect. And of course they all need the basics of food, drink, shelter, education.
While not exactly stormy, spring this year has definitely been wet and quite often cooler than normal. Yes, there have been odd days when it felt like winter was well behind us, with warm sunshine giving us all a lift. But within a couple of days the clouds had descended, the thermometer dropped, and the rain returned.
If you cannot see a feeling, how can you photograph it? The answer is, by proxy. You photograph something that will evoke that feeling in the viewer, and/or you photograph a person evidently displaying that feeling.
When I told people we were going to Mexico, a frequent piece of advice was, make sure you visit Oaxaca. It’s beautiful, they said, and the food is amazing! The advice however was unnecessary, as the city was already on my must-see list. And Oaxaca de Juárez, to give it its full name, definitely lived up to my expectations.
Some ten kilometres or so south of the centre of Mexico City lies historic Villa Coyoacán. Today it is a picturesque corner of the wider conurbation but was once a village in its own right. It was founded by the Tepecana people on the shores of Lake Texcoco, a huge lake now largely drained, its area occupied by Mexico City.
In the remote mountainous lands of Chihuahua state in northern Mexico the Rarámuri people of the Copper Canyon still enjoy a largely traditional lifestyle, despite the incursions of the modern world. We were privileged to be able to meet a Rarámuri family, one that has chosen to blend a traditional way of life with the benefits that tourism can offer.
There is only one solution to the challenge of jet lag in my opinion. Not a cure, but a way to minimise its impact. And that is, to ignore it as much as possible, adopt the time of your destination as soon as possible and stay active.
Every trip, every journey, turns you into a slightly different person than you were before you left. The sights you saw, the experiences you had, the people you met; these are all part of you now.
A few hours’ drive north of Ecuador’s capital, Quito, is the market town of Otavalo. Like similar towns the world over, market day is traditionally an occasion for local people to come together, to trade goods and probably a fair bit of news and gossip too.
Whoever came up first with that saying ’a picture is worth a thousand words’ didn’t understand the first thing about either one. (Wim Wenders)