Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colours. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.
Terry Pratchett
And of course when you come back you have tales to tell. You may start by describing the big stuff, the famous sights you saw: the Taj Mahal perhaps or the Eiffel Tower. But what often remains in the memory long afterwards are the small happenings that punctuate a trip. Those are the stories that you will return to again and again …
This week Patti has challenged us to tell a story or stories through our photos, using no more than five. One of the main aims of my whole blog is to tell the stories of my travels, in words and pictures, so it was hard to know where to start with this theme. How could I make this post distinct and relevant to Patti’s concept?
In the end I decided on three stories I haven’t yet told (or at least not in full; I touched on the Huab Lodge tale here). And to link them with a theme; each of these tales involves birds.
A dramatic rescue in Cape Verde

One hot morning on Santiago, one of the Cape Verde islands, we visited Cidade Velha with a guide, Luis. This was the first capital of these islands, settled in 1462. Back then it was an essential stop for great strategic importance. The city supplied passing ships with water, fresh food and repairs, and was a centre for trade between the Americas and Africa. Later it became an important port for trading slaves. Today though it is a quiet village, its inhabitants engaged in farming and fishing, with an increasing but still small tourist trade. I must share more about this fascinating corner of the islands one day. But today I want to tell a single tale from our brief visit.
Down by the water’s edge here is a little cove used by fishermen and here we instigated a rescue mission! A hen was pecking around with three fluffy chicks, but we spotted two more chicks which had got entangled in a fishing net left lying on the beach. Luis proceeded to try to free them. The first was soon rescued and restored to its mother but the second was badly caught, with one strand of the net tight round its throat. Chris joined the rescue efforts but to no avail. But help was at hand. We started to attract the attention of a few villagers, one called to some nearby fishermen and one of these produced a penknife with which he cut through the line – the chick was free! Not that he seemed too grateful, as during the rescue procedure he had pooped on Luis’s hand!!
The story in pictures

The fishermen’s beach in Cidade Velha, Santiago, Cape Verde
Two free chickens and one caught in a net

Luis starts the delicate operation to free the most entangled chicken
Luis rescuing the badly caught chicken

Almost free, thanks to the fisherman’s penknife!
To the eagle’s nest in Namibia

One of the most memorable stays we have had on our travels was at Huab Lodge in Namibia. Our hosts here, Jan and Susi, made us so welcome that we didn’t want to leave! Jan was so knowledgeable about the local environment. He could imitate all the birds and identify animals at a glance.
Over dinner on our last evening here the conversation turned to eagles and Jan mentioned that a pair of black eagles was nesting on the property. The nest was high on a cliff face, but he had climbed up a couple of times to check all was well. Last time he was there the egg looked almost ready to hatch and the new baby should have arrived by now. By the way, he did reassure us that unlike other eagles, black eagles won’t desert a nest that has been visited, hence his regular trips to check up.
Some new guests asked if this was something they could see the following day and were told yes, if you’re able to make the climb. I was sensing that Chris was a bit disappointed that we were leaving and wouldn’t be able to join them on this adventure, when suddenly Suzi asked if we’d like to stay until after lunch so that we could do so. With only a fairly short drive to our next destination of course we accepted the invitation.
I and another of the guests didn’t feel able to climb. But Jan suggested that we might like to come along for the ride and wait at the foot of the cliff. So we stayed below to watch and take photos of the climb, while Chris and the others started up the cliff.
The nest was perched on a rocky ledge high above the dried-up Huab River and wasn’t easy to reach. Once up there they could no longer see it. But Jan had left me with a walkie-talkie and using that I could direct them from below so that they went up past the nest at a little distance and then approached quietly from above. The climbers’ efforts were repaid by some stunning views of the young chick, who was about seven weeks old and already the size of a hen. Obviously all the photos up here were taken by Chris, including the one above, and are used with his permission.
The story in pictures

Huab Lodge at night (from their website), the site of our dinner-time conversation
Climbing to the eagle’s nest

The view from near the eagle’s nest, with me and the brother by the jeep
The black eagle chick in its nest on a rocky ledge

Chris with Jan at the top
Feeding the cranes of Khichan

Unlike the two tales above, this isn’t so much our personal story as that of a whole village. Khichan is a small village in the Thar Desert area of Rajasthan. It has a significant population of Jains, who value all living things. In the 1970s a married couple here were given the job of feeding the pigeons, something that Jains do all over India (as, from what I observed, do many Hindus).
As winter approached some demoiselle cranes started to join the pigeons and eat the grain that this couple were spreading on the ground. During the course of that first winter about 100 cranes came, and the next winter 150. But the local dogs started to hunt the cranes, so the couple asked the village assembly to make land available to create a safe feeding place for the cranes. This was agreed as the people here loved the cranes because of their vegetarianism and monogamy. Other villagers helped to build a fenced-in chugga ghar (bird feeding home) and local traders donated grain. From this small beginning a major migration has grown up, with thousands of cranes visiting the village every winter.
Feeding them has become a major initiative for the locals. There are now a number of feeding houses where the cranes congregate each morning for breakfast, before moving on to spend their day by the lakes on the edge of town.
At night they leave to roost in the fields around the village, before returning the next morning to feed again. It’s possible if you are here early enough to watch the feeding, but if you come later as we did you can visit the cranes by the lakes. The small fee you pay goes towards buying the vast amounts of grain needed.
The story in pictures

Panorama of the lake with goats and cranes on the far side

Some of the Demoiselle cranes by the lake
Crane reflections

A crane taking flight
Demoiselle crane in flight

Though I liked all your photo stories, I especially liked the one about the chicken chicks. So much effort went into preserving the lives of a “lowly” bird. Very touching story (from a former chicken owner’s perspective).
Sarah Wilkie
Indeed – although I did wonder if Luis was thinking as much about the chicks’ owner as he was the birds themselves!
Another amazing post Sarah, I had to think carefully about this and decide which was my favourite, decided on the cranes in the end because you told it like a fable. Fantastic photos.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Alison 😀 I guess I told that one differently because it wasn’t MY story.
I like how you grouped these 3 stories together for this post, Sarah. The stories and your images are wonderfully hopeful and inspiring. I especially loved the crane story and your crane reflections image.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Patti, I’m really glad you liked these stories. I loved learning about those cranes too 🙂
Heartwarming rescue stories, wonderful to see these chickens are free from your photo captures. The black eagle chick is precious.
Great images of these cranes!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Amy 🙂 I wish I could have seen that eagle chick for myself but there was no way I could have managed that climb! Even Chris, who is super fit and with great balance, found it unnerving in places. But I’m happy to have seen it through his eyes and been able to share it too!
Loved these ‘saving the birds’ stories with pictures! A few years ago, we saved a couple young blue jays who managed to get extremely caught up in a sticker bush. We didn’t know that bush was on our property, we pulled the weed out after we plucked many of the sticker seeds off the young ones. They both eagerly flew off to a waiting momma who had been frantically calling them all morning. We hoped they grew up safely, and we wonder if they ever think of us as often as we think of them. ❤️
Sarah Wilkie
Ah, that’s a lovely story too Rose ❤
Mike and Kellye Hefner
Fabulous stories and photos, Sarah!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Kellye 😊
I want to leave a comment on each of your tales:
1) The rescue story in Cape Verde is such a “feel good” one.
2) How high did the guys climbed up to the eagle’s nest!
3) The Blue Crane is our country’s national bird and I enjoyed your photos of this lovely bird.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much 😊 I checked and according to Wikipedia the Blue Crane and the Demoiselle belong to the same group within the crane family 🙂
That’s a great way of using pictures to tell a story! 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Yes, but credit must go to Patti for the idea and inspiration 😀
Wind Kisses
First, I love your initial quote. True, isn’t it? To come home we feel gifted with new eyes.
Sarah, I love when you travel you dont appear to ever be looking for an iconic shot. I know I have told you this before, but you capture the culture, the mood, the feel of another life. This post, was no different. I loved your stories, and the photo of the two chicks with the tangled sibling in my favorite. They appear to be saying: “What are you want for?”
And the eagles nest story is exactly why we always say: “Yes, I will come along…..”
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Donna 😊 I guess the truth is that when I travel I’m looking to capture everything, whether an iconic sight or simple everyday life. I like to bring home a round picture of a place, or as rounded as I can in what is often a fleeting visit.
Tina Schell
Terrific stories highlighted of course by your as-always terrific images. Especially loved the eaglet story!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Tina. That’s a special memory even though I didn’t see it for myself. We had such a wonderful stay at Huab!
A great little library of stories – and although about birds, all so very different. Great stuff!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Margaret, really glad you enjoyed my ‘library’ 😊 Although maybe more of an anthology at this stage???
OK, that’s a fair description too!
Great little collection of bird tales, Sarah. You can’t help but love the first one, the rescue story. By the way, we may be tapping you up for info on Cape Verde later this year, the islands are currently top of the “probable” list for an autumn trip.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Phil 😊 Happy to help re Cape Verde but I can only really talk about Santiago as it’s the only one we spent any significant time on!
Annie H
They say a picture paints a thousand words, but I think that often it’s the stories that go with the pictures make them special.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Annie, I believe you’re right 😊 Sometimes we need the words to bring the pictures to life and add context!
Beautiful and unusual, as always. Superb!
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much John, really appreciated 😊
Wonderful stories and photos
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Nora 😀
Susanne Swanson
Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos and inspirational stories. I especially loved how a village made a place for the cranes.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Susanne 😊 Yes, I loved that story too, and it’s so typical of the people of that region, the Jains especially.
Loved these stories and photos Sarah 🙂
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Brian 🙂
Yvonne Dumsday
Fantastic stories. Thankyou so very much for sharing.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks Yvonne, glad you enjoyed them 😀
Fascinating stories, Sarah, both in words and photos.
Sarah Wilkie
Thanks so much Janet 😀
Cee Neuner
Gorgeous bird stories and photos 😀
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Cee 🙂
Three very interesting stories, excellent images!
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you Sue, glad you enjoyed them 😀
It’s hard to say which story I like best. The photos are wonderful. The story in Cape Verde is the most heartwarming story of rescue and love for nature.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you – yes, we were so impressed by Luis for wanting to take so much trouble to rescue the chicks (although I suspect he was thinking as much about helping their owner as he was the birds for their own sakes)
Love these stories told by birds.
Sarah Wilkie
Thank you so much 🙂 That’s an interesting angle to see them as told BY the birds. I was about to say no, told ABOUT birds, but I can see how the birds might also tell these stories, albeit differently!
Lol. You’re welcome